‘Coronavirus’ of corruption has weakened country: CM Usman Buzdar

By Our Correspondent
April 25, 2020

LAHORE:Chief Minister Usman Budzar has said that “coronavirus” of corruption has weakened the foundations of the country and emphasised that elimination of corruption, along with overcoming coronavirus pandemic, is the government’s top agenda which will be achieved in collaboration with the people.


In a statement issued here Friday, the CM regretted that people had to bear the consequences of the corruption of the past governments. People, even, remain deprived of the basic facilities while the corrupt fully enjoyed, he said. The opposition has no plan to deal with the coronavirus but their real agenda is to hide the corruption, he added. The global politics has altogether changed due to onslaught of coronavirus but this could not modify the negativity of the opposition in Pakistan, he regretted.

The CM maintained that negative designs of the opposition to politicising this important issue had badly failed and it had disappointed the people on the important issue of coronavirus. He stated that 220 million people had fully understood the duality of opposition parties.

On the other side, decisions have been made under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan by exercising collective vision to overcome the coronavirus pandemic and its spread has remained limited due to the timely and farsighted decisions taken by the government, he stated. He reiterated that the government was keeping a vigilant eye on the situation of coronavirus and funds were released to the health department without wasting any moment. Regrettably, the opposition parties are engaged in point-scoring over the issue of coronavirus, he added. It is the time to maintain unity and efforts of politicising things, over the lives of the people, is condemnable, he added. Those who are issuing hollow statements cannot understand the sufferings of common citizens and lip-service will not benefit the people, nor would the citizens stand by you, he stated. Usman Buzdar affirmed that PTI leadership was firmly standing with the people and the propagandists should realise that public service cannot be done through hollow claims. The spread of coronavirus attack can be minimised if people remain limited to their homes, the CM concluded.

INDUSTRIALISTS: A delegation of industrialists called on the chief minister in his office and donated necessary equipment for dealing with coronavirus.

The chief minister appreciated the philanthropic passion and said the Pakistani nation had always, wholeheartedly, helped those in need.

He maintained that everyone would have to work for overcoming coronavirus as it was the time to serve the ailing humanity. Staying at home was the best option and citizens should not, unnecessarily, go out. Usman Buzdar said that h was personally supervising the relief activities and the Punjab government was firmly standing with the affected people.

Islam also taught to assist the people in need and citizens should be careful during Ramazan, he added. The citizens should ensure personal safety, as well as the protection of others' lives, by following necessary precautionary measures, the CM added.

Meanwhile, the chief minister felicitated nation on the advent of the holy month of Ramazan and said it was a month of blessings which brought a message of love and unity for all. In the wake of coronavirus pandemic, everyone should work for the sake of the country and the time required that to maintain social distancing as well, he said. He said that people should offer prayers at home during Ramazan to overcome the spread of coronavirus and pray to Allah Almighty for early eradication of coronavirus from the country, the CM concluded.
