Psycho counselling centre set up

By Our Correspondent
April 13, 2020

LAHORE:A psycho counselling centre has been set up at Lahore General Hospital to address the fear and anxiety caused by the coronavirus outbreak and the psychological problems that result from it.


In a statement issued here on Sunday, Postgraduate Medical Institute Principal Sardar Muhammad Al-freed Zafar has said that the coronavirus epidemic and its related problems all over the world are deeply rooted in human psychology. Negative effects are affecting the mood of the general public, causing sleeping disorder, anger, bitterness and depression, leading to an increase in physical ailments.

The PGMI principal said that in order to create hope and courage among the people, their psychological problems should also be given full attention. He said that 24 hours doctors would be available on 042-99266819 and 042-99268837 at LGH to provide citizens with guidance on coronavirus and other diseases.

pots for birds: Punjab University (PU) administration has installed food pots at various points on the campus to the feed birds as the birds’ sources of food had reduced considerably due to the lockdown and complete shutdown of university.

According to a PU spokesman, the teachers, employees and students of the university earlier used to feed the birds themselves. He said food leftovers at more than 80 canteens of the university were also a major source of food for birds and after closure of the canteens, the birds were facing acute shortage of food.

PU Vice-Chancellor Prof Niaz Ahmad took notice of the matter and instructed the administration to take care of the birds on the campus and provide food to them. He said that it was one of the basic responsibilities of all human beings to take care of birds and animals around them.

He said that COVID-19 was not only affecting human beings but birds, animals and other species had also been badly affected in their own way. He said that a strong relationship existed between humans and birds and at this time of test, the mankind must strengthen this relationship and let the history write that both the species celebrated this relationship in this critical crisis in a remarkable way.

On the instructions of the VC, the PU administration has put food pots at various places of the campus. movement: Lahore Police Operations Wing checked over 142,904 citizens and asked 13,165 people to contain their unnecessary movement in the City.

As many as 1,757 FIRs have been registered so far on violation of Sections 144 since the lockdown. More than 4,011 citizens were released after taking warranty bonds as not to move again in City unnecessarily. As many as 122,882 vehicles, including 70,309 motorcycles, 23,857 cars, 18,754 auto-rickshaws, 3,337 taxis and 6,625 bigger vehicles, were stopped on police pickets and the vehicles’ owners were issued warnings on unnecessary movement in the City. Around 5,001 vehicles were impounded in different police stations on violation of section 144.

Dolphin Squad: Dolphin Squad and Police Response Unit (PRU) showed immediate response to all the 230 calls received on helpline 15 last week. Both police wings helped 44 people on different roads and checked 18,791 motorbikes, 442 other vehicles and 15,397 people. Twenty-nine motorbikes and 10 other vehicles were impounded and 484 persons were arrested due to incomplete documents.

Dolphin Squad and PRU also arrested 14 alleged criminals for violating the ban on wheelie, one accused of firing into the air and another 272 accused for violating the ban on kite flying.
