N Korea signals confidence in face of coronavirus

By Newsdesk
March 24, 2020

SEOUL: With international focus on the coronavirus, North Korea has doubled down on its missile development and military exercises in recent weeks while signaling new confidence that it has dodged an outbreak of its own.


Some international experts are skeptical of North Korea’s assertion that it has not had a single case of the new coronavirus, which was first detected in neighboring China.But for the first time since late February, North Korean soldiers conducting military drills and test firing short-range ballistic missiles over the weekend were shown not wearing face masks in state media photographs. North Korea has said it has released almost all the foreigners it quarantined as a precaution, and in a decision that surprised some experts, announced it would hold a big gathering of its Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) in early April.

“I’m a bit surprised that North Korea decided to go ahead with its spring SPA session,” said Rachel Minyoung Lee, a Seoul-based analyst for NK News, a website that monitors North Korea.

“That said, this is in line with an apparent shift in North Korean media handling of the coronavirus in the past two weeks which suggested the North Korean regime’s increased confidence in managing the coronavirus situation.” Besides the SPA announcement, leader Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, released a statement through state media on Sunday commenting on U.S. President Donald Trump’s latest letter to North Korea, offering coronavirus assistance.

But much of the messaging from Kim Jong Un appears “laser focused” at the domestic audience, said Duyeon Kim, a senior adviser to the International Crisis Group think-tank.“He’s apparently trying to show his confidence and strength to his people, that he is in control, and that the regime is functioning normally by pursuing its strategic objectives despite a national crisis over a virus they have no control over,” she said. “He needs to keep his constituents in Pyongyang happy and trying to show North Korea is invincible.”

State media has broadcast a stream of reports on how seriously the government is taking its virus-prevention efforts. One report in the ruling party newspaper Rodong Sinmun on Monday, for example, said a local party official had been punished for undermining nationwide coronavirus prevention measures by organizing drinking parties.
