Parkland survivors remember friends two years after mass shooting

February 16, 2020

PARKLAND: Two years after 17 students and faculty members were gunned down in one of the worst mass shootings in US history, survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School remembered the slain victims on Friday.


Families attended ceremonies near the site of the massacre in Parkland, Florida, as schools across the country observed a minute of silence at 10:17 am (1517 GMT) for the 14 students and three staff murdered by an ex-pupil.

“Two years ago at approximately 7am, I sent my two children to school. I was so busy rushing them out the door so that they would not be late that my final words were not ´I love you,´” tweeted Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter was among the dead. “Jesse came home that day. Jaime did not.”

The shooting actually began around 2:20 pm on February 14, 2018 but organizers chose 10:17 am, with the minutes past the hour representing the 17 victims.

“A lot of my friends have post-traumatic stress disorder,” said Jillian Gelfand, a form student who was not in the building the day of the massacre. The shooting inspired Parkland survivors to lead the March for Our Lives movement in support of legislation to prevent gun violence, chronicled in the documentary “Us Kids,” which debuted at last month´s Sundance Film Festival.
