COMSATS to strengthen higher education sector of Tunisia

February 04, 2020

Islamabad: COMSATS would facilitate strengthening of higher education sector of Tunisia and a delegation comprising of Vice Chancellors and senior officials from universities in COMSATS’ Member States, including Pakistan, may visit Tunisia for a first-hand review of the sector to develop effective recommendations.


This was agreed by Executive Director COMSATS, Dr. S. M. Junaid Zaidi and Ambassador of Republic of Tunisia, Borhene El Kamel during a meeting held here on Monday.

The objective of the meeting, held at the Tunisian Embassy, was to brief the Ambassador about COMSATS’ programmes and activities in the field of Science and Technology and to further explore avenues of cooperation with Tunisia, which is one of the 27 Member States of COMSATS.

During the meeting, Dr. Zaidi highlighted that one of COMSATS’ key areas of cooperation is higher education. In this regard, the honorable Ambassador was briefed about COMSATS’ scholarships programmes.

It was noted that COMSATS provides scholarships and fellowships through its International Centers of Excellence to students and researchers to increase access to quality higher education and promote cross-culture experiences among Member States.

Dr. Zaidi elaborated that a number of post-graduate scholarships/post-doctoral fellowships are available at COMSATS’ Centres of Excellence in Pakistan (COMSATS University Islamabad and International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences); Kazakhstan(Al-Farabi Kazakh National University); and Egypt (National Research Centre).

It was noted that students and faculty exchanges among COMSATS’ Member States are encouraged and facilitated for research and trainings.

During the meeting, Dr. Zaidi sought the Ambassador’s support in expanding cooperation in higher education with Tunisia, being one of the founding members of COMSATS since 1995, to help build and sustain scientific capacities in the country so that it realises sustainable growth and development.

The Tunisian Ambassador was also briefed about COMSATS’ efforts towards North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, which the organization deem as instrumental in realising its mission of bringing peace and sustainability.

It was informed that such programs are being aligned with the United Nations 2030 Global Agenda to make their impact more in line with the needs of Member States, as well as the international commitments. Borhene El Kamel, appreciated COMSATS’ efforts for the advancement of science and education in the developing member states. The Ambassador expressed willingness to benefit from the various programmes of COMSATS and to further the cooperation in higher education. The meeting ended on a note of appreciation for COMSATS by the Government of Tunisia.
