Coronavirus should be cause of caution, not alarm: experts

By Our Correspondent
January 30, 2020

LAHORE:Public health experts are of the view that the outbreak of a new strain of coronavirus in China should be a cause of caution, not alarm.


“The story of the coronavirus, first reported in China, last month, now seems to be reaching the point where public indifference tips into worry and even fear”, said veteran virologist Prof Waheeduz Zaman Tariq at a training session at University of Health Sciences(UHS) here on Wednesday.

Prof Waheed, who heads Infectious Diseases’ Department at a private institute in Lahore, said that sounding the alarm unnecessarily had dangers of its own. “People may fail to pay heed next time, or may overreact this time. Equally, muting discussions can backfire, especially in a world where information can be shared so quickly. It is essential that authorities at all levels are open about this outbreak, as well as assiduous in tackling it”, he opined.

Prof Waheed said cautioned that as too little information was available to draw firm conclusions about this virus, its dangers, therefore, should not be discounted. “Its cost has already been felt by the young, the elderly and those with existing medical issues, and there is concern that it could mutate into something worse”, he said, adding the virus, likely to spread through coughing and sneezing, had now sickened more than 6,000 people and killed 135 in China.

UHS Vice-Chancellor Prof Javed Akram said new strain of coronavirus, a family of pathogens that cause respiratory illness in birds and mammals, had jumped species and infected humans. As the pneumonia-causing virus has triggered a health scare in China, it would be sensible to be concerned. “But, we must take care not to overreact to the developing situation,” he advised.

Prof Javed Akram said UHS would extend full possible support to the government in optimising PCR test facilities for diagnosis of coronavirus. He said a six-member committee consisting of varsity’s faculty had been constituted and Dr Shah Jahan was its convener.

The UHS VC opined that wudu (ablution) was the most effective preventive measure against coronavirus. He said that Islamic concept of Hilal and our traditional way of cooking food minimised the risk of getting infected with the virus. He said that as compared to common masks available in market, N95 masks had proved more effective in prevention.

He said people must frequently wash their hands with an alcohol-based hand rub, or warm water and soap; cover their mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue when sneezing or coughing; avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever or cough; seek early medical help if they have fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing, and share their travel history with healthcare providers; avoid direct, unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces in contact with animals when visiting live markets in affected areas; avoid eating raw or undercooked animal products and exercise care when handling raw meat, milk, or animal organs to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked foods.

Health Services Punjab Director General Dr Haroon Jahangir said not a single case of coronavirus had so far been confirmed in the country. He added the government was in continuous contact with the World Health Organisation which had not declared coronavirus an epidemic so far. Dr Haroon informed that five airports of the province had been linked to nearby teaching hospitals to avert the threat of transfer of virus through passengers coming from abroad. He also lauded the efforts of UHS for creating awareness among the people on the issue.

UHS Microbiology Department’s head Dr Sidra Saleem and Lahore Medical and Dental College’s Professor of Community Medicine Dr Fatima Mukhtar also spoke on the occasion. The microbiologists, pathologist from various medical colleges, rescue workers and health personnel from civil aviation attended the training workshop.
