Dubai and Baku meetings

January 16, 2020

Inter State Gas System MD disallowed to go abroad


By Khalid Mustafa

ISLAMABAD: The Petroleum Division has disallowed Managing Director Inter State Gas System (ISGS) Mobin Saulat to represent Pakistan in meetings to be held in Dubai and Baku.

The Division took the decision based on a Nov 26, 2019 letter from the NAB stating that Mr Saulat could not represent Pakistan aboard, as he was under investigation for his involvement in corrupt practices. The letter suggested that the Petroleum Division should nominate any other expert of integrity and expertise to represent Pakistan.

Ayub Chaudhary, Additional Secretary (P) and the Petroleum Division spokesman confirmed the development saying: ‘Yes, he has been disallowed to go abroad in the light of NAB letter.’ He, however, refused to share any more information. However, relevant officials privy to the development said Pakistan will be represented in Dubai and Baku meetings by senior official of Inter State Gas System.

In another setback to Mr Saulat, the ECC that met on January 8, 2020 did not include his name in the Price Negotiation Committee (PNC) on TAPI gas.

The PNC will negotiate the price with Turkmen gas. According to a Finance Ministry press release, the committee approved by the ECC consists of Secretary, Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division) as chairman and Secretary Finance or his nominee, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Energy (Power Division), Director General (Gas) or Director (Gas) and Managing Director, SSGCL as members.
