Workshop on interfaith harmony held

By Our Correspondent
January 09, 2020

LAHORE: A workshop on interfaith harmony was organised in a local hotel on Wednesday to promote tolerance, peace and harmony among the people belonging to different faiths in the country.


A large number of human rights activists, environmentalists and journalists participated in the workshop organised by an NGO. The speakers emphasised on following the vision of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who in his speech of August 11, 1947 assured all future citizens of Pakistan that they were free to practice their religions. Guided by the Quaid’s vision, there is a need to create a peaceful society in the country by creating awareness among people about civil values so that every Pakistani could lead a peaceful and prosperous life, they said. Through the project community leaders in South Punjab, the speakers said, leaders from different faith groups had been brought together under one platform to work together for peace and harmony at the community level.

During the project, more than 600 local people and religious leaders are working together in total 90 community peace committees to raise awareness among people about the negative impacts of extremism and hate speech.
