Mishal Malik leads Occupied Kashmir solidarity rally with political parties

Mishal Malik said the entire society is standing shoulder to shoulder with Kashmiri people and against brutalities done by Indian Army against them.

August 29, 2019

ISLAMABAD: Mishal Malik, the wife of Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik led a Kashmir solidarity rally of all political parties here Thursday.

Addressing on the occasion, she urged the civil society and common public to get united on a platform to stop Indian atrocities in Indian-held Kashmir.


Mishal Malik said the entire society is standing shoulder to shoulder with Kashmiri people and against brutalities done by Indian Army against them.

She said the unavailability of daily use items including food, water, medicines has made the life miserable in the Occupied Valley.

Malik added that a number of pregnant women died due to unavailability of transportation and medicines in the hospitals.

Talking about her husband's condition, she said he was still in death cell: “I urged the United Nations to adopt such steps for resolving Kashmir issue."

She said the Indian government should stop its horrific actions as “We were united and determined and one day with the blessings of Almighty Allah Kashmiris will celebrate independence"

“I am very thankful to all political parties and media for the participation in this cause,” she added.
