PFUJ asks govt to take action on malicious drive against journalists

July 07, 2019

ISLAMABAD: Federal Executive Council (FEC) of Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), in its meeting on Saturday, has taken serious notice of malicious and targeted campaign launched on social media against some top journalists of the country, by unknown quarters who are well known to everyone across the world, and demanded the government to take serious action against responsible for this life threatening campaign.


FEC called upon the government, state institutions, and judiciary to take immediate and urgent notice of the campaign which has been launched on the basis of religious hate, posting concocted and fabricated allegations on journalists of being agents of the foreign agencies, which is a direct threat to the lives of journalists and their families, says a press release.

The council demanded the government to immediately direct FIA cyber wing and other top agencies to investigate and arrest those who have launched campaign in the name of countering hybrid war, just to gag, control and downplay media and put, working journalists and media worker under pressure.

The FEC warned and resolved to fight for the rights of journalists and safeguard the journalist community and their families and will knock every door for the purpose.

The FEC showed concern on deteriorating media freedom and direct life threats to journalists and some top anchors just to malign them into controversies by using dirty tricks and social media by posting image of a poster carrying photographs of thirty journalists with the hash tag calling for the arrest of journalist shown in the poster.

The council was of the view that such a campaign was harming and tarnishing the image of country around the globe at a time when Pakistan needs to promote its soft image, which is only possible through free media and working journalist and media workers, therefore state should take appropriate measures to ensure media freedom, freedom of expression and speech in the country guaranteed by the constitution of Pakistan.

The FEC of PFUJ contended that even hybrid war can only be countered through free media not through fake ID’s on social media, threats to journalist community. Media is the only institution which can help ensuring transparency, good governance, and countering propaganda by foreign media against Pakistan.

PFUJ and journalist community at large, will deal the situation with effectively using all means for safety and security every journalist across Pakistan.
