No ban on Muslims for fasting in Ramadan, Chinese diplomat clarifies Xinjiang reports

Zhao Lijian rejected media reports that suggested China has imposed restrictions on the Muslims in Xinjiang region.

By Web Desk
May 06, 2019

ISLAMABAD: There are no restrictions on the Muslims in Xinjiang region from fasting during the month of Ramadan, Chinese diplomat clarified media reports Monday.

Some media reports suggested that the Communist Party has placed restriction on Chinese Muslims in the autonomous region from observing religious practices.


Responding to these, DCM, Chinese Embassy in Islamabad, Zhao Lijian stated that Muslims are free to fast in Xinjiang.

He tweeted: “I would like to clarify Muslims are free to fast in Xinjiang. Restrictions are with Communist party members, who are atheists; government officials, who shall discharge their duties; students who are with compulsory education & hard learning tasks.”
