NAVTTC took revolutionary steps in imparting technical education during 2018

January 04, 2019

Islamabad: National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) has taken revolutionary measures to improve its standards for imparting technical education among the country’s youth in the last year.

According to official sources, the commission has established employment centers, introduced accreditation system for improving technical education and initiated skill competition among youth in 2018. The NAVTTC has also increased training opportunities for their students by four times.


The sources said the technical trainings are imperative to engage the country’s youth

in positive activities and underlined the need to promote technical institutions which would eventually help in national development.

It would also enable them to become self-reliant and support their families, they added. The projects attracted a sizable number of youth. The organization is imparting technical trainings to a large number of youngsters which would certainly help them to improve their standard of livings.
