Aisam gets Mexican partner for 2019

By Our Abdul Mohi Shah
December 14, 2018

ISLAMABAD: Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi will have a new partner in Santiago Gonzalez Torre (Mexico) going into 2019 tennis professional season, which begins with Australian Open in January.


Talking to media here at the PTF Complex ahead of an exhibition match, Aisam said the 2018 season did not go the way he desired. “Santiago Gonzalez will be my new partner for doubles. He is a quality doubles player and hopefully we will make a good pair,” he added.

Aisam leaves for China on Friday (today) to start training for the coming season. “You have to start your training months before the start of the international commitments. The coming season is hectic and demanding. I hope I will do better than I did this year,” said Aisam.

Answering a question about representing the country in the Davis Cup, he said he would continue to represent the country as long as he could. “I am 38 and still feeling good about my tennis. I will continue to represent the country as long as I can. Playing for my country is the foremost priority for me. Even if I have to forego international events, I will do that for representing the country in all leading international events,” Aisam said.

He said he liked the newly-laid hard courts at PTF Complex where he trained for a couple of days. “I have been playing international tennis all over the world for more than two decades. The PTF Complex courts are one of the best I have seen,” he added. He said he was happy to see hard, clay and grass courts at one place.
