Career counselling: Questions and answers

August 06, 2018

Q1: I have done MS in Accounting and Finance two years ago. However, unfortunately I am still not able to find a good job in my relevant field. I need your advice, whether I should go for PhD studies or not? Thank you. Best regards, (Khurram, Rawalpindi)


A: My recommendation would be to still keep on trying to get a job in a bank or in the finance sector. However, if you do not find a job sooner, the other option could be to take up a relevant training programme either in the banking industry or by virtue of working with a chartered accountant or a financial adviser.

Q2: I have done BCom Part-I and had been a student of CA, have to clear three papers to complete module D. I have made a number of attempts for those papers and it has been three years now my spirits have subdued. Please assist me for other options that I have to pursue my education. I’m 24 years and have to support my household responsibilities. (Sarah Bakhsh, Gujrat)

A: If you are finding it difficult to clear your CA then you must look at doing MSc Finance or an MCom and while doing so you should find a formal internship or training with a professional accountant/ chartered accountant to enhance your expertise. Following this, you should work for at least two years in a relevant department and perhaps then look at doing your MBA moving forward.

Q3: Sir, I have recently completed my graduation in BSEES (Bachelors in Electronic and Electrical System). It is a non-engineering programme recognised by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). Now kindly tell me what I should do according to my graduation, where should I apply for the job. (Ghulam Mustafa, Islamabad)

A: I understand from your query that you have now graduated in System Engineering that involves electronic and electrical systems. That means you have fairly understood how the systems work in both electrical and electronics, which means that you should be looking at applying to multinational manufacturing units that produce electrical and electronic products and those involve in developing systems in the area of electrical and electronics. I would also recommend that you look at applying to organisation such as Nepra, Wapda etc. I also recommend that you look at doing a masters degree in systems management if you have the required funding.

Q4: Sir, I am student of MPhil in History and now I will start my research work on the topic of “Pakistan-China Relationship in the light of CPEC”. My area of interest is China relationship with Pakistan. Kindly guide me what should I do? (Saqib Hanif, Lahore)

A: I think you have chosen a great area for research. As we all know CPEC is set to be a game changer in Pakistan’s economy and development and will bring the two friendly countries, Pakistan and China, more closer going forward. I would strongly recommend you read the very concept paper that was approved for CPEC and then follow on reading various aspects that have been signed within the CPEC in different areas such as; infrastructure, power and energy, trade and commerce etc. I believe your research will reveal the huge benefits not only for Pakistan but for the entire South Asian region.

(Syed Azhar Husnain Abidi is a renowned educationist in Pakistan, with more than 20 years of experience as provider of education counselling services. He has represented Pakistan in over 100 national and international seminars, conferences and fora. He is a recipient of the most coveted civil award Tamgha-e-Imtiaz).
