Motorway IG orders strict enforcement of traffic rules

By Our Correspondent
June 30, 2018

LAHORE: The National Highways and Motorway Police (NH&MP) will further enhance the capacity and professionalism of the officers, and also adopt zero-tolerance policy against traffic violations.


NH&MP Inspector General Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar Khan said this during his first visit to the NH&MP Complex at Babu Sabu, Lahore. Zonal Commander DIG Ahmad Arslan Malik , DIG Mirza Faran Baig, DIG Mahboob Aslam, SSP Masrool Alam Kolachi, SSP Kamran Adil, SSP Hashmat Kamal and SSP Sulman were also present.

IG Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar directed the officers to take strict legal action against the vehicles involved in traffic violations and also imposed heavy fine on them. He directed the officers to perform their duty without fear and ensure equal and firm enforcement of law on motorways and national highways. He said the patrolling standards on the highways and motorways would be improved according to the international standards. The well-mannered conduct with traveller and indiscriminate enforcement of the law must be ensured to enhance the image of NH&MP, he added.
