Change for Pakistan

Times are tough, I know. Depression is in the air, I understand. When you speak to people around you...

By Syed Muhammad Nabeel Jilani
June 01, 2018


Times are tough, I know. Depression is in the air, I understand. When you speak to people around you, all you get to hear is negativity and cynicism about the direction Pakistan is headed to. You will find very few who show confidence in the general state of affairs.


Speaking of the current state of Pakistan, people are questioning the future of Pakistan. And with good reasons! We see prices of essential commodities rocketing sky high. We hear stories of corruption in government, with notorious figures handling the most important ministries. Surely, isn’t ‘now’ the time when the word ‘change’ becomes fascinating? Why wouldn’t anyone yearn for change? It may sound cliched, but in order to fix these problems, first we need to change ourselves. Only then can we change the environment for a better Pakistan.

One of the key steps that we need to take first is to improve the quality of education. Education can certainly play a vital role in changing an individual’s mindset in the right direction. However, it takes time to educate a generation. Education teaches you to differentiate between right and wrong, observe the ills happening in society and take informed decisions. So, if you want to be an advocate for change, then calling for a change in the governance could be a way to start with. We need a strong leadership to uphold the political framework of Pakistan. We need young politicians with a vibrant approach to step forward and explore new ideas, to reflect the thoughts of the coming generations.

Pakistan is a beautiful country with exotic landscapes and rich culture. It has all the elements to be a great tourist spot, and tourism industry can bring in a lot of revenue. But to rope in tourists, we need proper infrastructure. Government should facilitate tourists and make improvements in terms of providing safety to local populace and foreigners who come as tourists. It could definitely be a stepping stone for Pakistan’s economy by becoming one of the mot sought after tourist destinations around the world.

The Tourism Department of Pakistan should promote the beautiful scenic locations in the form of either ads or content that shows what these places have to offer to the masses. In addition, they should also organize activities and sports events to attract more tourists during holidays.

Another region where we need to focus is our youth. Our younger generation is innovating and is constantly excelling in almost every field in Pakistan and abroad. From education to performing arts, to fine arts, to medicine, to engineering, to politics; there is no field where these young talented people are not performing exceptionally. About a decade ago, young people were reluctant to express their ideas and initiatives, but now they are more confident and are participating in every walk of life more enthusiastically than the previous generation.

If we shift our focus from the negativities in society towards the areas that need attention, we will open doors for change. Advocating for policy restructuring in a state like ours with safety issues is a difficult task, but no one said it would be easy. However, a dynamic leadership, vibrant media and continuance of democratic process takes less time to change the destiny of a nation. It’s high time we should gear up for the future, fully prepared to take on all challenges to bring about a meaningful change in our society.

- The writer is a student of University of South Asia, USA
