‘Strong cooperative institutions can bring about a change’

By Kiran Butt
April 19, 2018

LAHORE: Cooperative housing sector can progress very well provided the government supports this sector. Strong cooperative institutions can bring a change in the country resulting sustainable economic development. The concept of Cooperative Movement is not new but as old as human civilisation.


These views were expressed by the speakers, at a seminar on “Role of Cooperative housing societies in economic development”, under the aegis of Punjab Cooperative Union (PCU) and Mir Khalil-ur-Rahman Memorial Society (MKRMS), Jang Group of Newspapers.

Punjab Assembly Speaker Rana Muhammad Iqbal Khan was chief guest of the seminar. Zulfiqar Ahmad Ghumman (Registrar Cooperatives Punjab) was guest of honour.

Gul Hamid Khan Rokri (Chairman Punjab Cooperative Union), senior cooperator and banker (r) Manzoor Ahmad, Muhammad Khalid Waseeem Advocate (President of Model Town Cooperative Housing Society, Sialkot), Farrukh Hayat Punnu (Deputy Registrar Cooperative societies, Lahore), Nawab Anees Ahmad Khan Siyal (Vice-Chairman PCU) and Sajawal Ali Waseem (Senior Vice-Chairman PCU) were among guest speakers.

Welcome address and a review report on the performance of PCU was given by Muhammad Arshad Jillani. Wasif Nagi (Pride of performance, senior editor health, education and current affairs and Chairman MKRMS) was the host and moderator of the seminar. Rana Muhammad Iqbal Khan said, “Cooperative movement can minimise the public problems. He called for the implementation of the suggestions in a real sense to put the country on road to progress. There is a need to strengthen these institutions, he said, adding that Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has always stressed on institutions’ development. And if they are facing any problem they should discuss with us. We are here to facilitate them. We still have to work for small farmers. I request the PCU to establish their network all over Pakistan so that everyone can benefit from that platform.”

Wasif Nagi said, “This is the fifth seminar of our collaboration. Its main purpose is to strengthen the PCU and their objectives.”

Zulfiqar Ahmad Ghumman said cooperation with one another is a basic rule to run mutual business which leads towards equality. Farmers have a pivotal role in our economy, he said. In the agriculture sector, farmer’s role is basic and they can form cooperative committees to play their role in economic development.

Manzoor Ahmad said the role of cooperative societies can change the fate of the farmers. It is dire need of the hour to create awareness among people. We struggled to modernise the Cooperative Banks.

The cost of tractors was brought down. Banks will default if our farmers don’t take loans. The current ratio of bank default is 20 percent. This sector is getting success with the passage of time and will make Pakistan bright and developed in future.

Farrukh Hayat Punnu said that in Malaysia, Cooperatives are exempted from tax whereas, in our country, societies pay millions of rupees tax.

Gul Hamid Khan Rokri said that PCU has shown very good results regarding agriculture. Farmers are getting many benefits but we are still behind many countries. We have to work hard to get to the top of this sector.

Khalid Waseem Advocate demanded that the sector must be tax-free. The agriculture sector is the backbone of the country’s economy so the government needed to provide maximum facilities to them. This movement can bring revolution in our country.

Nawab Anees Ahmad Siyal said the cooperative societies have been ruling in other countries. He demanded the government to pay much heed to cooperative societies and Cooperative institutions be exempted from income and property tax. He also called for the lifting of the ban on registration of societies.

Sajawal Ali Waseem said that we have to establish such network that all the farmers and people from agriculture sector can get benefit from this platform.

Muhammad Arshad Jilani presented the progress review report and said that PCU was established in 1918. And its basic purpose was to give awareness to people through print, electronic and social media. Through expanding our network, we can help others.

Ijaz Ahmad Cheema said that we have to pledge that we will be together in this task and will work with determination and dedication to improve the people’s lot.
