Make me pretty

This week, Karachi-based beautician, Sairah Yahya, talks about general trends in makeup...

By Sadaf Jabeen
February 06, 2018


This week, Karachi-based beautician, Sairah Yahya, talks about general trends in makeup...

Beautician, Sairah Yahya

Sairah Yahya has been in the beauty business since 2012. She is a trained beautician and has done makeup and grooming courses from credible institutions like Pivot Point. Becoming a beautician has always been Sairah’s dream. “As a child, I always got attracted towards beauty accessories and I used to do my own makeup. Encouraged by my friends and family, I started doing makeup professionally some five years back. My biggest inspiration is Massarat Misbah,” says Sairah Yahya, who has recently done advance makeup course from UAE by a Lebanese makeup artist Alessandro Alcantara. This week, You! talks to this talented beautician regarding general trends in makeup...

You! Are women in Pakistan becoming more experimental when it comes to makeup?

Sairah Yahya: Yes, absolutely, as the exposure through social media is helping the new generation in understanding all kinds of makeup products and their application.

You! What are the makeup trends right now?

S.Y: Eyes that are defined, brows which are groomed, long and fluttery lashes, along with cheeks and lips that look kissable and glamorous. One of the biggest trends is the mash-up of vintage styles from the 1940s and ‘50s and a modern, clean look. Smokey eyes are definitely in; however expect to see some softer colours on the eyes too.

You! What makeup trends are totally over?

S.Y: The trend that is over is the myth of applying too much makeup - giving way to nude and flawless skin and looks.

You! It’s wedding season too, what’s latest in bridal makeup?

S.Y: Simple elegance is starting to make a comeback in terms of bridal makeup. However, most brides want to look like themselves but with pops of colour. If you go with neutral, smoky eyes, then opt for a brighter lip.

You! Do you emphasis on using foundation during winters? If so why?

S.Y: Foundation is a must - be it summers or winters. An oil-based foundation for dry and patchy skin to blend easily and water based one for oily/normal skin. As without a smooth base, it’s impossible to achieve the desired results.

You! What colours you suggest for women to wear this winter season when it comes to lipsticks?

S.Y: Winter is one season that we should go for colours like reds and maroons in lipsticks.

You! What are your three favourite makeup products?

S.Y: NYX Total Control Drop Foundation, Mac lipstick and Marc Jacobs black liner are my favourite products to use.

You! The products every girl and every woman should always bring in her purse are...

S.Y: Moisturiser and lip-gloss.

You! What kind of hair styles are in this season?

S.Y: The unique and everlasting trend of braids has evolved once again. Dutch and French braids are highly in along with extensively curled hair. Messy buns are also a part of the latest trends.

You! What are some of the most common mistakes women tend to make while choosing makeup?

S.Y: Of late, women have started ordering products online without trying them on their complexion and skins, thus ending up with disastrous results. Online shopping is a great idea but don’t make the mistake of ordering makeup online.

You! What are some of the colours a woman of regular Eastern skin tone should never try?

S.Y: Eastern women should not try pastel colours as it contrasts with their complexion more, thus making them look darker.

You! What beauty regimen should women adopt to take care of their skin in winter?

S.Y: Skin routine both for summers and winters are almost the same like: cleansing, exfoliating, toning and moisturising, but in winters just be extra careful to moisturise more to keep your skin radiant and wrinkle free.

You! Any makeup tip you would like to share with your readers?

S.Y: You’re only supposed to keep mascara for three months, because beyond that point, it can collect bacteria and lead to eye infections. However, if your mascara dries up within those three months; revive it with a couple drops of saline solution.

You! Do you think social media is a good tool to promote your work - especially for upcoming beauticians?

S.Y: Yes, absolutely, as it gives them exposure regarding their work and they can be recognised instantly.

You! Any dream to accomplish?

S.Y: Every bride wants to look her best on her wedding day. Well, I have this dream to do makeup of poor brides for free as they cannot afford to go to salons. I have plans to work in collaboration with different NGOs in future. Let’s see how it works out...
