Honouraria for imams approved

By Bureau report
December 27, 2017

PESHAWAR: Pervez Khattak approved monthly honouraria for Imams of Jamia mosques all over the province.


The government has laid down certain guiding principles for the award of Rs10,000 per month honouraria to the Imams of Jamia mosques throughout the province, said a handout.

The Imams of the mosques under the laid down procedure should be the citizen of Pakistan and qualified from the recognised boards for religious education.

The decision was taken at a meeting at the Chief Minister’s House in Peshawar.

The chief minister said the aim of the policy was to give the Paish Imams an enabling environment to be dedicated to the cause of religion, thus serving the nation in a better way.

He directed the Finance Department to arrange funds for honoraria and move a summary to put on ground the new mechanism immediately.
