Birds have cages

This week You! takes a look at Anwar Maqsood’s painting exhibition held recently at Koel Art Gallery, Karachi, after a hiatus of 25 years ...

By Iqra Sarfaraz
November 28, 2017


This week You! takes a look at Anwar Maqsood’s painting exhibition held recently at Koel Art Gallery, Karachi, after a hiatus of 25 years ...


Creativity is not just limited to a certain medium of expression. It cannot be only conveyed through performing arts such as acting or writing. It can acquire as many faces as it can. Art in the form of painting is another way to spill your creative juices and put them on the forefront to express what one feels and admires. This is what the ‘people’s man’ Anwar Maqsood has done when he showcased his recent art exhibition after a hiatus of 25 years in Karachi’s Koel Art Gallery.

Anwar Maqsood is widely known for his sharp wit and incomparable sense of judgment that he has for his surroundings. Before proving his mettle as a writer, actor and show presenter on television, Maqsood was splashing colours on paper that showed a diversified and unlimited side of his. In 1958, he had his first exhibition and won a National Award for his art work along with Ahmed Parvez and Lubna Agha. After that he had around 7 to 8 solo exhibitions but due to his evolving interest in writing, he took a break from painting. But now, the multifaceted artist is back. His recent exhibition titled ‘Birds have cages’ depicted women, birds and their urge to get freedom. The event was attended by several media persons and celebrities including Faisal Kapadia, Yasir Hassan, Zubaida Tariq, Bilal Maqsood, Imrana Maqsood among others.

Although, writing is a different practice than painting but Maqsood’s art shows a clear connection between the two. Like his words, his paintings present bold, simple yet profound images and thoughts. In his paintings, with the use of vibrant colours he has tried to portray a deep bond between human and birds. According to Anwar Maqsood, “I love colours! I can play with them. I know what to put where! If people loved my work, it means that my work somehow managed to make a place in their hearts. And that feels great!”

When asked what motivated him to start painting again, he said, “Actually, it was my grandson who inspired me. While leaving for the US, he gave me a paint brush and said, ‘dada! leave the pen and pick this up’; and that’s how I started painting again.”

The exhibition gathered tremendous response and the artist wishes to keep going with it in the future as well. He plans to put Pakistan’s political scenario on the canvas along with violence and lies which surround the country. Well, we will have to wait till Anwar Maqsood’s next show.
