Road blockades affect vegetables, fruits supply

By Jawwad Rizvi
November 27, 2017
LAHORE: The countrywide protest has adversely affected the supply of perishable items causing artificial shortage of majority of seasonal vegetables.
A very few seasonal vegetables reached Lahore in Badamibagh Market due to which prices of the items remained high, but this increase in prices was not reflected in official rates list, creating artificial shortage of vegetables in Sunday Bazaars.
Vendors said their purchasing price is higher than the official rate. So, they refused to sell majority of vegetables in Sunday bazaars, and sold vegetables on higher prices than the official rates. Most of the stalls were vacant in makeshift markets. The vendors did not come due to protest and road blockades or they were unable to purchase their sellable items from the wholesale market.
No price control magistrate was present in makeshift markets to stop overcharging while market committee and the district government officials to control the prices. They admitted that the prices of vegetables and fruits were higher than the rates mentioned in the official rate list.
Vendors refused to sell perishable items on account of wrong price fixation, but no authority bothered to control the situation. This week ladyfinger, luffa, pumpkin, mehti, green chilli, brinjal, capsicum carrot, radish, mongray, cabbage, pea and many others were not sold in the makeshift markets on account of wrong price fixation issue. Potato new price was stable at Rs 40 to 42 per kg, sugar free fixed at Rs 24 to 26 per kg, and stored at Rs 17 to 19 per kg, new mix and sugar free both were sold at Rs 42 per kg.
The price of onion was further declined by Rs 7 per kg, coming down to Rs 47 to 50 per kg, mixed grade was sold at Rs 50 per kg. The price of tomato was gained by Rs 15 per kg, fixed at Rs 95 to 100 per kg.
Garlic China was increased by Rs 10 per kg, fixed at Rs 126 to 130 per kg, and garlic local fixed at Rs 111 to 114 per kg, while all variety was sold at Rs 120 to 130 per


kg. Ginger Chinese was fixed at Rs 161 to 166 per kg, and Thai at Rs 101 to 104 per kg, and it was sold at Rs 170 per kg. The price of brinjal was further gained by Rs 8 per kg, fixed at Rs 36 to 38 per kg, not sold due to wrong pricing issue.
Cucumber local was reduced by Rs 7 per kg, fixed at Rs 36 to 38 per kg, not available in on wrong pricing. Bitter gourd was unchanged at Rs 73 to 75 per kg, not sold there. Spinach was gained by Rs 2 per kg, fixed at Rs 26 to 28 per kg, sold at Rs 50 per kg as market committee officials has issued the rates for spinach of Rs 50 per kilogram to vendors instead of official price list rate of Rs 28 per kg. Lemon Chinese was fixed at Rs 53 to 55 per kg, sold at Rs 60 to 80 per kg. Zucchini farm was fixed at Rs 38 to 40 per kg, and zucchini long was fixed at Rs 33 to 35 per kg, not sold on wrong pricing issue. Ladyfinger price was gained by Rs 10 per kg, fixed at Rs 63 to 65 kg, not sold. Pumpkin was further increased by Rs 15 per kg, fixed at Rs 48 to 50 per kg, not sold on account of wrong pricing issue. Luffa was increased by Rs 5 per kg, fixed at Rs 68 to 70 per kg, not sold on pricing issue.
Green chilli was unchanged at Rs 88 to 90 per kg, not sold on pricing issue. Capsicum was gained by Rs 5 per kg, fixed at Rs 117 to 120 per kg, not available on wrong price issue. Coriander was increased by Rs 40 per kg, fixed at Rs 130 per kg, sold at Rs 200 per kg.
Beans were at Rs 60 per kg, sold at Rs 200 per kg.
Carrot price was stable at Rs 26 per kg, not sold on wrong pricing issue, while outside sold at Rs 40 to 50 per kg.
Methi was increased by Rs 10 per kg, fixed at Rs 48 to 50 per kg, not sold on pricing issue, outside sold at Rs 80 per kg.
Turnip was fixed at Rs 36 to 38 per kg, sold at Rs 50 per kg.
Radish was fixed at Rs 9 to 10 kg, not sold due wrong price fixation issue, while outside bazaars sold at Rs 40 per kg.
Mongray was gained by Rs 10 per kg, fixed at Rs 82 to 85 per kg, not sold on account of wrong price fixation.
Cauliflower was gained by Rs 10 per kg, fixed at Rs 48 to 50 per kg, and cabbage by Rs 5 per kg, fixed at Rs 38 to 40 per kg, not sold on wrong pricing issue.
Pea was fixed at Rs 97 to 100 per kg, not sold.
Different variety of apples was fixed at Rs 58 to 120 per kg, sold at Rs 80 to 140 per kg.
Banana A-quality was fixed at Rs 48 to 50 per dozen, and B-quality at Rs 28 to 30 per dozen mix grade was sold at Rs 50 per dozen.
Guava was fixed at Rs 48 to 50 per kg, sold at Rs 60 per kg.
Musami was fixed at Rs 78 to 80 per dozen, sold at Rs 80 to 100 per dozen.
Grape Fruit was fixed at Rs 17 to 18 per piece, B-quality was sold at Rs 15 to 18 per piece.
Water nut was fixed at Rs 48 to 50 per kg, sold at Rs 40 to 60 per kg.
Sweet potato was fixed at Rs 38 to 40 per kg, sold at Rs 50 to 60 per kg.
Papaya was fixed at Rs 78 to 80 per kg, sold at Rs 100 to 120 per kg.
Pomegranate Khandhari A-quality was increased by Rs 10 at Rs 155 to 160 per kg, B-quality at Rs 117 to 120 per kg, B-quality was sold at Rs 150 to 160 per kg, and pomegranate bedana was fixed at Rs 221 to 229 per kg, sold at Rs 250 per kg.
