Mobile phone services restored in Karachi

By Web Desk
November 10, 2017

KARACHI: The mobile phone services, suspended in Karachi as part of security arrangements for Chehlum of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A), have been restored across the city.

The Sindh government had taken strict measures to ensure security of Chehlum processions, deploying a large numbers of security personnel.


A notification, issued by Sindh government on Thursday, said that cellular services will remain suspended from 10am until 10pm on Friday to maintain law and order.

A day earlier, The Sindh government had imposed a two-day ban on pillion riding across the province from November 9 to 10 in line with security arrangements.

The law enforcing agencies were put on high alert to deal with any untoward incident in the province.

Aerial surveillance of Chehlum processions were conducted to keep an eye on anti-state elements and terrorists.

Karachi's main artery M.A Jinnah Road had blocked for traffic by placing shipping containers, with snipers deployed on roof tops along procession routes.

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras had also been installed to closely monitor activities on the procession routes under the Command and Control Center.
