Thatzesty flavour

These days, the carts of fruit vendors are piled up with tasty and zesty ‘falsas’. All year round we wait for the falsa season so that we can enjoy the tiny, sweet and sour purplish red fruits that resemble blueberries.

By G. N
May 30, 2017


These days, the carts of fruit vendors are piled up with tasty and zesty ‘falsas’. All year round we wait for the falsa season so that we can enjoy the tiny, sweet and sour purplish red fruits that resemble blueberries. Phalsa or Falsa is a fruit of the tree Grewia Asiatica, which is a native of India and other countries like Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Thailand. It has also been naturalised in Australia and the Philippines. It is a small tree that grows to a height of 15 to 20 feet. The tree fruits during the peak summer months - May and June - every year.


This yummy fruit offers million dollar health benefits. It’s interesting to know that the bark of falsa tree is used in sugar (gurr) making, its leaves have an antibiotic affect, and lastly, oil from falsa seeds is used to treat fevers and diarrhoea. Read on to find more...

Rich in antioxidants: As a fruit which is full of antioxidants, falsa plays an important role in combating age deterioration and ageing too. Furthermore, it is now scientifically proved that antioxidants play a great role in preventing cancer. So, anthocyanin flavonoids present in the fruits are responsible to fight against cancer.

Balances your body salts: Falsa is rich in sodium which acts as an electrolyte and essential ion to promote the enzymes operation and muscular health. Moreover, it also increases the performance of our nervous system and improves blood regulation. Hence, having falsa in summers can be very beneficial in order to balance your body salts.

A health booster: With its high concentration of vitamins, falsa boosts your health to a great extent. Like other nutrients present in the fruit, Vitamin A is a great natural nutrient that helps acquire good vision and prevents macular degeneration.

Good for your heart and nerves: Vitamin B1 in falsa fruit helps in maintaining heart and nerve functioning. The deficiency of vitamin B1 may lead to certain health problems including anorexia, muscle weakness, and nerve damage.

For healthy metabolism: Falsa is also rich in Vitamin B3 which is referred to as niacin. Vitamin B helps in maintaining the cardiovascular and metabolism system in the body and helps in balancing the cholesterol levels as well.

Loaded with vitamin C: It is recommended to have falsa in case you want to fulfil vitamin C deficiency in your body, as it is an excellent aid for cardiac disorders. Vitamin C content in the fruit also helps in effective iron absorption and hence, it aids in purifying blood.

Provision of energy: Falsa contains protein which helps the body to gain more energy. To stay healthy and energetic, try to have this useful fruit in your diet especially when it is in season.


Not only is falsa rich in antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins but consuming the fruit on a regular basis can aid in treating various disorders...

Arthritis: The symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited functioning of joints. It is also linked with inflammation. Our body needs anti-inflammation nutrients to prevent certain inflammations and falsa fruit is a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

Respiratory problems: Having falsa juice treats respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, colds, and other respiratory problems. But don’t forget to mix falsa fruit with ginger or lemon juice to add that desirable flavour.

Heals wounds: The leaves of falsa fruit help in healing wounds and curing eczema. Grind the leaves and apply it on the affected area, leave it for a few minutes to let them work.

For healthier bones: Due to the calcium content in falsa, it is indeed beneficial to consume the fruit, as it strengthens the bones and promotes the bone density.

Urinary troubles: The fruit cures urinary troubles and relieves burning in the urinary tract as it is also an astringent.

Goodbye skin problems: In summers our skin is prone to acne and other problems. Including falsa in your diet can aid in reducing pimples and getting rid of dry skin.
