Celebrated every year on March 8, International Women’s Day is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.

By Iqra Sarfaraz
March 07, 2017

IWD special

Celebrated every year on March 8, International Women’s Day is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. So, this week You! talks to a few distinguished women belonging to diversified fields, who are breaking stereotypes and creating waves. These women share how women can have an impact on the society and what can they do if given a day to rule the country. Read on...


Hina Khawaja Bayat


“Women have the ability to not just create a new being but also to shape and mould mindsets. Educated, aware and informed women can impact individuals in every relationship and situation, which in turn would have a huge impact on the society. As far as any change is concerned, there is so much that needs to be changed, but if all I got was one day, I would make every government servant, bureaucrat, parliamentarian, minister and politician clean the streets, collect and dispose off garbage, repair the streets and manholes, clean wall chalking and graffiti and install silencers in all vehicles plying the roads. Have some respect - for your country, your environment, your relationships and above all, yourself! Be tolerant to other’s beliefs and opinions to channel your energy to be productive and positive. We owe it to those who sacrificed everything for our freedom - let’s not abuse that privilege!”

Ameena Saiyid

OBE Managing Director Oxford University Press & Found-Director of Karachi/
Islamabad Literature Festival

“I believe that women’s ability to multitask and their power to work effectively by sustaining lifework balance can leave a huge impact on the society. In order to acquire this, women should educate themselves while working and looking after the household. If given the chance to rule Pakistan for a day, I will definitely change the public education system! I will make sure that education is accessible to all regardless of any gender discrimination. On the other hand, women should work hard and never throw in the towel! They should never give up no matter what...”

Uzma Munaf Khan

Chief Executive Officer, INJAZ Pakistan

“Women face discrimination on every level. To help them break out of these social and societal pressures, we must equip them with the right tools. We must educate them and give them the knowledge on how they can empower themselves. Education and vocational trainings will make them capable of earning their own livelihood that will not only upgrade their household’s economic status, but will give them the equality they have a right to.

If I would be given a day to rule this country, I would change so many laws that limit women from progressing. Women are still stuck in the rut of feudalism and patriarchal thinking that keeps them chained to their miseries. It’s time we realize that women are as important as men. So, give women respect. Make a difference now by acting yourself.”

Mehnaz Nadeem

Chairperson Oaks Saving Thar Project Top of Form

“I think economic empowerment and active involvement of women at all levels of decision making and strategy formulation can impact the society. That’s the only way we can ensure that a woman’s perspective is captured in an unbiased way. A day is not enough to change the overall system, but if given the chance, I will modify the education strategy and policy and implement quality education for all. Also, I will try to put a stop to the commercialization of education. Furthermore, I believe that everyone should be thankful for whatever they have in life. If we realize how fortunate we are to be an independent nation, we will feel the need to give back to our society. So, be a giver and bring change.”

Imrana Maqsood


“For me, the one thing about women which can leave an impact on the current society is their power to speak. Women should gain knowledge from books and their own experiences to be able to convey their thoughts effectively. If I ever get a chance to rule the country, I will bury all the people who are leading this country in the wrong direction and corrupting the system.”

Ruby Shakel


“Female education correlates with high levels of development, both in terms of social and economic development. Educated women run better households and raise well-rounded and responsible citizens in a society. If I’d be given a day to rule then I will eliminate corruption and bribery, and would give better opportunities to well-qualified individuals on the basis of merit, talent and skills. The only way we can go forward is to be patient, have perseverance and courage to forgive others.”

Sadiqa Salahuddin

Founder and Executive Director of the Indus Resource Centre (IRC)

“I would say ‘resilience of women’ is something that leaves a solid impact on our society. Now, women are brave and clear headed. They know what they want. Their continuous struggle despite multitude of odds gives strength and hope to others.

What I would like to do cannot be done in a day. But changing social structure and making a just world that provides equal opportunities to all, irrespective of gender and class, is my vision. I want that women should not give up. Their perseverance and hard work will pay off some day.”

Bushra Ansari

Television presenter, comedian, singer, actor & playwright

“I believe women should be educated and confident enough to deal with the world that surrounds them. I feel sad towards the country’s inappropriate situation. There are only a few politicians who can do something for the betterment of Pakistan, other than that, we all are helpless.

I want to convey to all the readers that whatever your field is, be honest in that. If you are honest with your work, you can remain sincere with your country as well. Trust me, I have experienced that this attitude leads to an effective way of living where people admire and give you respect.”

Ainy Shehzad

Head of Professional Development, Karachi Grammar School

“Educated women can have a positive impact on the society. Her powerful and productive circle of influence becomes one of the most vital factors that can contribute in the development of an ‘enabled’ and desirable society. It’s not about being able to rule to change things. Each one of us, in our own capacity, can make a change. For me, the most crucial change is the change in mindsets. In the end I would like to say never underestimate your influence and ability to bring change. All it requires is one step and then to keep a track with commitment, dedication and perseverance. Never give up on your ideals and passion. Reflect, introspect, love and respect others and find meaningful ways to impact the larger good of humanity.”
