Malala hopes to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford

By Web Desk
January 12, 2017

LONDON: Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai is determined to get the best education in order to make a difference and she will be spending the next few years figuring out what she wants to do after she graduates.

In an interview, which Malala says the hardest of her life, with the professors at Lady Margaret Hall, the first Oxford University college to educate women last month, Malala Yousafzai said, she does not want to think back.


Malala is hoping to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford—the degree and university of choice for many of Britain’s leading politicians.

Also she already has a few career paths in mind. She has thought of becoming a lawyer, a politician or even the prime minister of Pakistan.

At the age of 19, Yousafzai has survived an assassination attempt, won the Nobel Peace Prize and addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations. She is one of the most famous teenagers in the world, but right now she’s as anxious about her future as any college applicant.

The interview published recently in the Newsweek magazine, Malala says “When I survived the attack and when I woke up in the hospital, my mind was very, very clear, that this life is for a cause.”

“This is a second life, and it is given to me for something greater than what I was before.”

At college, Malala Yousafzai will have to make new friends, and for the first time in her life she’ll be without the security her family provides.

Whichever college she attends—Yousafzai has also applied to the London School of Economics and Durham and Warwick universities—she will, like millions of students worldwide, live away from home for the first time, the magazine reported.
