Committee on ToRs almost dead

By Tariq Butt
June 30, 2016

ISLAMABAD: Apparently unbridgeable differences between the government and a couple of opposition parties have read the obituary of a parliamentary committee, which they had unanimously constituted to formulate Terms of Reference (ToRs) for a judicial commission to investigate offshore companies.


It appears that the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and Pakistan Terheek-e-Insaf (PTI) showed too much haste in knocking out the 12-member bipartisan panel. Ostensibly, they were in a hurry to get the result of their choice from a process that was absolutely unlikely to have a smooth sailing, given political high stakes involved in it.

It was naïve to expect that a dialogue which, by all permutations, was expected to be tough and complicated, would be leading to a fruitful conclusion just after a few sessions. In all, the committee held eight meetings, most of which just sorted out matters of preliminary nature. The two sides were yet to open any substantial and elaborate discussion on their draft ToRs.

The fast pace the PTI and PPP observed to walk out of the dialogue process gave the impression that they were in a rush to get out of it as per their own plan. Since word go, they were disinterested in arriving at a meaningful outcome. At no stage, did they make any sincere effort to reach an agreement with the government on the ToRs. Every time they came back to resume discussions, they toughened their stand, making it impossible for their rival to accept it, but out of the committee they kept trying to make people falsely believe that they have conceded too much.

They did not come out of the bind they have created for themselves due to their obsession to confine the probe into offshore companies to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif despite the fact that his name did not figure in the such firms disclosed by the Panama Papers or otherwise. They restricted their demand to the premier as per their well considered policy with the ultimate objective of frustrating the talks in the parliamentary committee.

The Nawaz Sharif government was extremely beleaguered and cornered when the Panama leaks cropped up especially due to the disclosure of the names of the prime minister’s children as owner of the offshore companies. But it became relaxed because of the strategy adopted by the PPP and PTI. The moment the offshore companies were divulged was the best time for the opposition to exploit it and make the then under pressure government quickly agree to some agreement on the ToRs. As the time passed, the pressure on the premier kept dwindling.

The opposition specifically the PTI and PPP also damaged its case by diluting its pressure. Instead of hammering their points in the parliamentary forum for acceptance and remaining glued to this body, they have taken the battle to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP). In fact, the filing of references against Nawaz Sharif and his family members with the ECP amounts to greatly hurting the opposition’s case on the offshore companies because no proceedings will start in the electoral body any soon for its being incomplete in the wake of the retirement of its four members. As the time will go by, the impact, thrust and force of campaign in relation to the offshore shells will keep abating, which is not good for the opposition’s cause but is beneficial for the government.

It is believed that after due consultations the PPP and PTI decided to separately submit their references in the ECP, which will be heard together for being similar in nature and substance. While sponsoring these pleas, they did not consult seven other parties that are part of the loose opposition alliance. They created bad blood among other opposition representatives, who are members of the committee, when they said that they have dissociated themselves from the forum. This has wrecked the opposition unity, if it was ever strong and solid.

No efforts are on the horizon from any side to revive the deliberations in the framework of the parliamentary committee. The government is bracing up for counter fight in the ECP, and in the Supreme Court subsequently, on the references filed by the PTI and PPP. It doesn’t seem in a mood to persuade these two parties into changing their mind so that they come back to the committee to conclude the discussions on the ToRs. However, they may talk to the other opposition parties in this connection.

In the beginning, the PTI, as per its usual disposition, was unprecedentedly thrilled to get the government out of office on the question of the offshore companies of Nawaz Sharif’s children. But as such dubious overseas business of its top leaders including Imran Khan was dug out, its spirits were greatly dampened and the PTI started showing disinterest in any consequential investigation into this affair.

However, a solid impression existed at least among cynics from day one that no side is sincere and serious in framing the ToRs for a judicial commission to inquire into the offshore companies because everyone has skeletons in his cupboard. But it is a hard fact that the prime minister promptly accepted at least three major demands of the opposition in a quick succession.
