CAIRO: A purported ‘vast underground city’ in Egypt is tens of thousands of years older than the Giza pyramids, scientists have shockingly claimed.
If true, it would turn Egyptian - and human - history on its head, though independent experts have called it ‘outlandish’ and ‘crazy talk.’Last week, researchers in Italy presented bombshell research which claimed to have discovered multi-thousand-foot tall wells and chambers underground beneath the Khafre Pyramid.
The Giza pyramids are believed to have been built around 4,500 years ago and considered a remarkable feat given their immense scale and the precision of their construction, which remains a mystery for the time period.
However, researchers behind the new study claim that the hidden structures, spanning 4,000 feet, are approximately 38,000 years old — which predates the oldest known man-made structure of its kind by tens of thousands of years.
The team has based these claims on ancient Egyptian text that they interpreted as historical records of a pre-existing civilization that was destroyed during a cataclysmic event.