NOWSHERA: A labourer was killed when marble slabs inside the vehicle fell on him after the truck driver, allegedly fearing traffic police, applied sudden brakes near Manki Phatak on Nowshera Bypass Road here on Monday.
According to driver Burhanuddin, a resident of Tarnab Farm, Peshawar, he was transporting a truckload of marble to Jahangira. As he approached Manki Phatak, the traffic officers signaled him to stop. He claimed that despite indicating that he had nothing illegal, the officers chased his vehicle, pointed a pistol at him, and verbally abused him. In panic, he said, he applied a sudden brake, which led to the fatal accident. The deceased labourer, identified as Akhtar Din, was severely injured when the marble slabs fell on him. He was rushed to Qazi Hussain Ahmed Medical Complex but succumbed to his injuries on the way.