Kashmir Solidarity Day observed

February 06, 2025
Central President of All Pakistan Private Schools and Colleges Association Dr. Malik Abrar Hussain  (left) seen in this image released on March 27, 2024. — Facebookmalikabrar.hussain.3
Central President of All Pakistan Private Schools and Colleges Association Dr. Malik Abrar Hussain (left) seen in this image released on March 27, 2024. — Facebookmalikabrar.hussain.3

Rawalpindi:Central President of All Pakistan Private Schools and Colleges Association Dr. Malik Abrar Hussain on Kashmir Solidarity Day (February 5), said that India has kept the oppressed Kashmiri children, women and men in a state of cruelty by trashing the UN resolutions. The United Nations and international forces should play their role in giving the Kashmiri people their legitimate right of self-determination.

In his a statement issued here, Dr. Malik Abrar Hussain said that since the partition of the sub-continent till today, India has heaped mountains of oppression on Kashmiri people and deprived the Kashmiris of their right of freedom. Despite the resolutions of the right of self-determination passed by the United Nations, India has maintained its usurpation on Kashmir and has imposed an era of oppression. He said that India has kept the oppressed Kashmiri children, women and men by throwing the United Nations resolutions into the trash.


Dr. Malik Abrar Hussain demanded that the United Nations and international forces play their role in giving the Kashmiri people their legitimate and constitutional right, i.e. the right to self-determination. All educational activities remained suspended in private educational institutions across the country regarding Kashmir Solidarity Day. On this occasion, events organised in various educational institutions to express solidarity with the Kashmiri people, the purpose of which was to pay tribute to the freedom struggle of Kashmiris and to promote awareness about the Kashmir issue in the new generation.
