Digital gag order

By Nighat Dad
January 31, 2025
The representational image shows of chained freedom of expression. — APP/File
The representational image shows of chained freedom of expression. — APP/File

Pakistan’s digital landscape is facing yet another crackdown, with the introduction of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes (Amendment) Act (Peca) 2025.

If this feels like a replay of 2015, that’s because it is. The same concerns raised a decade ago about state overreach, the stifling of dissent and the erosion of free speech have returned – but this time with an even tighter grip.


Initially, Peca was sold as a mechanism to protect vulnerable communities, particularly women, from online abuse. But its track record tells a different story. Instead of shielding the powerless, it has been used to silence journalists, activists, and political opponents. Cybercrime authorities have prioritised policing speech over tackling disinformation, hate speech and harassment. Now, the amendments take this a step further, with a focus on regulating so-called ‘fake news’, an ambiguous term that could justify widespread censorship.

When Peca first emerged in 2014, at least two years of discussions took place, primarily because activists pushed back hard. This time, the amendments were rushed through with minimal transparency and no real consultation with stakeholders.

On January 23, the amendments sailed through the National Assembly with support from all three major political parties. By January 27, the Senate Committee on IT approved them in a lightning-fast 15-minute session. Three days later, the Senate rubber-stamped them without debate. On January 29, the president signed the law to cement these sweeping changes.

For the average Pakistani internet user, these amendments mean a significant shift in how online interactions are monitored and punished. The risk of criminal charges for simply sharing or forwarding content has never been higher.

Under the new law, anyone who ‘intentionally’ spreads false information that harms someone’s reputation could be sentenced to up to three years in prison and fined Rs2 million. The newly formed National Cyber Crime Investigation Agency (NCCIA) will oversee enforcement. Until it becomes operational, the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) will take charge.

What’s particularly alarming is that anyone can file a complaint. If someone believes you have shared false news about them even without proof you could find yourself entangled in legal trouble.

The amendments define ‘social media platforms’ so broadly that private messaging apps like WhatsApp, Signal, and Telegram are included. Any forwarded message could come under scrutiny, and anyone in a group chat could report another user for "spreading false news."

The amendments expand the definition of ‘illegal’ content to include material deemed anti-Islamic, threatening to national security, disruptive to public order, or critical of state institutions like the judiciary and armed forces. The newly established Social Media Protection and Regulatory Authority (SMPRA) will have the power to remove or block such content at will.

You can appeal to a tribunal, but considering that its members will be government-appointed, neutrality is questionable. If you disagree with the tribunal’s ruling, your only option is to take your case to the Supreme Court where long case backlogs mean justice may be indefinitely delayed.

The most unsettling aspect of these amendments is their impact on already vulnerable groups, particularly women. Survivors of harassment and gender-based violence could face legal threats from their abusers, who may now claim that allegations against them constitute ‘fake news’. This not only undermines efforts to combat violence against women but also reinforces a culture of silence where speaking up carries legal risks.

Similarly, women journalists already working under hostile conditions may find their reporting criminalised if it challenges the narratives of the powerful. Any investigative piece on corruption, misconduct, or abuse could be labelled ‘false news’, weaponising the law against those seeking accountability.

The digital rights battle in Pakistan seems never-ending. Just as one restrictive measure is challenged, another one surfaces, tightening the state’s control over online discourse. Peca 2025 is the latest and perhaps the most dangerous iteration of this trend, offering authorities a powerful tool to suppress dissent under the guise of fighting misinformation.

For Pakistani citizens, these amendments pose a clear threat to free speech. As this law starts getting enforced, it is crucial to stay informed, resist censorship and demand digital spaces that are open, fair, and free for all.

The writer is the executive director of the Digital Rights Foundation.
