Democracy is not under threat but corruption

By Akram Shaheedi
June 07, 2016

Head of PPP Media Cell


Pakistani nation was terribly besieged in a disturbing agony in the aftermaths of Panama Leaks fearing to bear witness to an ugly sight of the derailment of democracy. Fear is worse than the ultimate denouement. However, Chairman Bilawal Bhutto, Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari and a few other political leaders’ categorical assertion to the effect of the non-prevalence of such danger had been received by all and sundry with a sigh of relief. PPP made it clear that investigations of Panama Leaks and danger to democracy as articulated by the treasury benches had no co–relationship. This tactical methodology to play on the fear of the people is an attempt to distract the attention of the people from the Panama Leaks. This bumbling attempt is bound to fail and fail miserably.

PPP was committed to Charter of Democracy (CoD) in absolute terms but was not prepared to bail out the corruption and corrupt elements, said Qamar Zama Kaira, Central Information Secretary of PPP, while talking to media. Democracy was, is, and will be non-negotiable for the PPP and its leadership no matter what. History offered enough testimony to it. Besides, the national consensus on democracy right across the country was very reassuring in favour of the political system that had surely blunted the sharp edge of the fear of the people.

PPP’s clarity on democracy and Panama Leaks indeed served as a shot in the arm of the nation to keep its morale steady which was earlier gathering momentum towards downward spiral. Senator Aitzaz Ahsan, Opposition leader in the Senate, in a recent Geo TV interview commented, ‘there is no space for military intervention in the country.’ This was indeed very reassuring for the people of Pakistan to address their fear. His observation was based on ground realities swaying across the political horizon of the country. Its veracity got authenticated when it was attributed to the politician and eminent legal mind of the country like Senator Aitzaz Ahsan. He had fair knowledge and experience of currents and under-currents of the country’s politics.

Pleasantly, anecdotal evidences suggested that democracy was on upward trajectory despite frequent hurdles it was confronted with emanating from the realm of predictable and unpredictable quarters. It was also the recognition of the handsome dividends of the democratic arduous struggle the pro-democratic party (PPP) had launched in the face of successive ferocious dictatorships. The narrative of the indispensability of democracy for the integrity of the federation was well established. It was the promise for the secure and prosperous future of the nation. It was indeed the happiest development that had taken place in the country’s otherwise volatile political history that had been agitating the minds of the people with constant ill-boding.

Future of Pakistan and the federation is intrinsically intertwined with democracy because struggle for Pakistan exemplifies the shining success of the democratic struggle. Pakistan was created with the force of vote not of bullet. It can only survive and thrive under democratic dispensation because it is the ideological basis of Pakistan. Dictatorship and representative government being anathema to each other cannot co-exist. The continuity of democracy is the potion for the preservation of the integrity and independence of the country.

Disruptions by autocrats, through deceit and force, in the past had wreaked havoc to the county’s destiny immersed with territorial losses, diplomatic embarrassments, military debacles, dismemberment of the country, extremism and terrorism etc. All these evils and delirious consequences wrought on the nation were their legacies. Democratic eras of the country, on the contrary, did not embolden the confrontation within the country and without, in particular, and as such saved the nation from the revisiting of tales of hubris and horrendous consequences of autocrats times. The national integration process suffered a fatal blow when General Ayub Khan abrogated the 1956 constitution and imposed self-made constitution of 1962. The promulgation of this constitution triggered the acute sense of political and economic deprivation among the people of then East Pakistan leading to the secession of the country after a lot of bloodbath.

The redeeming feature of democratic system is that it is embedded in automatic system of adjustments and corrections. Its seamless continuity eliminates the chances of the vacuum so much liked by the Frankenstein’s club to take advantage of by stripping off the dreams of the people. Their old habits are resistant to change and their alacrity to stay put is limitless. But, the continuity of the political system will not only keep such crooks at bay but also nudge them never to revisit. Their days are over and so their times of trampling on the wishes of the people. But we should not underestimate their perfidious nature that refuses to budge even if it may lead to their political kamikaze. So, never lower the guards to keep conspirators dare not to breach the defences.

Ironically, the sitting government’s strategy to play on the fear of the people by projecting the Panama Leaks as a sinister design to hurt democracy had not worked according to the plan. Instead, Panama Leaks investigations to serve as catalyst to strengthen democracy had attained wider acceptance. Judicial Commission’s investigations would prove as a big leap forward to weed out corruption in the country so fundamental for survival and longevity of democracy. The rampant corruption had eaten into the vitals of our society and the state institutions. The investigations of the Judicial Commission were expected to identify the crooks and their abettors to pin them down to face the wrath of justice. It would also serve as a powerful deterrence against those who might contemplate of taking plunge to engage in corrupt practices in future.

Our overall system has been hitherto starved of transparency and accountability. It will be no more mal-nourished in this count after those who are proved guilty in Panama Leaks are brought to book. Transparency and accountability will address the health issues of our political system comprehensively enabling it to contain the advances of the notorious corrupt mindset and its undertakers. Democracy is bound to weed out corruption at the end of the day because both cannot co-exist for a very long period of time. The Panama Leaks have provided that opportunity to identify the culprits and bring them in the dock to face the exemplary legal consequences. These are defining moments for Pakistan indeed.

Investigations of Panama Leaks under the Supreme Court Judicial Commission have emerged as the national demand. The names of the prime minister’s family members in Panama Leaks have raised piercing questions pertaining to allegations of money laundering, tax evasion and tax avoidance including amassing of huge assets within short span of time. Although the prime minister’s name is not in the Leaks but his two sons and daughter have figured out that is enough to question the moral authority of the prime minister who is the trustee of the highest public office of the country. He cannot be absolved of the allegations straightaway when looking through the prism of the closely knitted Sharif family. Younger generation of the family holds their elders in the highest esteem for their entrepreneurial prowess, and naturally seeks guidance and assistance in running and building business empires. That tendency is quite appreciable if ends and means are kosher and aboveboard.

Presently, the government and the Opposition parliamentary parties are deeply engaged in painstakingly slow moving negotiations to frame consensus ToRs for the Supreme Judicial Commission. Let us hope and pray the Joint Parliamentary Committee will succeed in framing ToRs after all thus paving the way for the setting up of the Judicial Commission to initiate its proceedings. The Opposition has demonstrated the requisite flexibility in the formulation of ToRs but the government is reportedly adamant on certain points that are halting the substantive progress. Hopefully, politicians will succeed in finding common grounds because they know the art of possible. They are also cognizant of the fall out of their failure. They have to overcome their differences for the sake of the political system, the people and indeed for their own sake. Stakes are high those warrant to proceed in the matter with vision than vendetta.

They should tread carefully as sustenance of standoff between the government and the opposition is not tenable for considerable length of time. The stalemate will not bode well for the politicians professing they have not learnt from history and are still incorrigible enough to fall prey to their self-righteousness. They should do their utmost endeavour with equanimity and maturity to find out convergence which is the need of the hour. They have no other option but to come out with consensus ToRs, mandating the Supreme Judicial Commission to dig out the truth but the whole truth without fear or favour. The findings of the Judicial Commission and their making public will set the much awaited trend against corruption and its undertakers. The resultant social resistance will prove an effective instrument against ill-gotten money as a license to power, respect and impunity.

Pakistan is at the threshold of make or break. Major responsibility rests on the shoulders of the politicians belonging to the major political parties of the country. Their putting weight behind addressing the political issues in statesmanlike manners will unfold the illuminated path leading to a democratic, stable, peaceful and prosperous Pakistan, perfectly in harmony with the vision of the founding Father of the country. It will also be deemed as mission accomplished of the PPP for which its founding father offered his ultimate sacrifice.
