‘Humiliated’ profession ­— Afghan media says abuses rising

October 03, 2024
A female media person seen recording a video.— AFP/file

KABUL: Afghan journalists have reported hundreds of cases of abuses by government officials, including torture and arbitrary detention, as well as tightening censorship since the Taliban authorities returned to power.


Reporters say they are frequently rounded up for covering attacks by militant groups or writing about the discrimination of women, and some report being locked up in the same cell as Islamic State fighters.

“No other profession has been so humiliated,” said a journalist from the north who was recently detained and beaten. “Me and my friends no longer want to continue in this profession. Day after day new restrictions are announced,” he told AFP, asking not to be named for security reasons.

“If we cover (attacks) or topics related to women, we expose ourselves to threats by phone, a summons or detention.”

When the Taliban authorities seized power in 2021 after a two-decade-long insurgency against foreign-backed governments, Afghanistan had 8,400 media employees, including 1,700 women.

Only 5,100 remain in the profession, including 560 women, according to media industry sources. “We have recorded around 450 cases of violations against journalists since the collapse, including arrests, threats, arbitrary detention, physical violence, torture,” said Samiullah, an official at a journalists´ association in Afghanistan, whose name has been changed for his protection.

The Taliban authorities have not responded to several requests for comment on the reports.

However, Hayatullah Muhajir Farahi, the deputy minister of information, recently said in a statement that media were allowed to work in Afghanistan on condition that they respect “Islamic values, the higher interest of the country, its culture and traditions”.

In September, new regulations were slapped on political talk shows, media executives told AFP.

Guests must be selected from a Taliban-approved list, the themes sanctioned and criticism of the government prohibited.

Shows must not be aired live, allowing for recordings to be checked and “weak points” to be removed.

The state radio and television station RTA no longer allows women to work as journalists, according to an employee within the organisation who asked not to be named.
