QUIZ WHIZ: Amazing animals

By S. A
October 04, 2024

True or false?

1. Snails have no teeth.


2. The rabbit is the hairiest animal in the world.

3. Dolphins sleep with only half of their brain at a time.

4. Certain species of jellyfish are immortal.

5. Octopuses have nine hearts.

6. The cobra is the world's most venomous snake.

7. Komodo dragons can reproduce without a mate.

8. The dog is the world’s best sniffer.

9. The cat is the animal that sleeps the most.

10. Animals fear humans more than lions.


1. False. They have thousands of teeth. An average garden snail has around 14,000. Some species can even have over 20,000.

2. False. The sea otter is. They have the densest fur of any mammal, with about a million hairs per square inch.

3. True. In order to rest while remaining alert, they alternate which half of the brain is sleeping.

4. True. Immortal jellyfish, along with at least five other jellyfish species, are biologically immortal. They are capable of reverting to an earlier developmental stage, a process that can theoretically go on indefinitely.

5. False. They have three, all with slightly different functions. Two peripheral hearts deliver blood to gills while the third central one delivers blood to other parts of the body.

6. False. The Inland Taipan is. Its venom is the most toxic, and one bite could contain enough toxins to kill 100 people.

7. True. The females can lay fertile eggs without a male and produce identical offspring.

8. False. The African elephant is thought to have the strongest sense of smell in the animal kingdom. Silkmoths, bears, and star-nosed moles also have a sharp sense of smell.

9. False. The koala does, sleeping around 20 to 22 hours a day.

10. True. And rightly so, for who causes more havoc than us, the ultimate nemeses of the planet’s wildlife?
