The benefits of being low-key

The following list highlights the tremendous benefits of being a low-key person....

By Ayesha Pervez
October 04, 2024


A low-key lifestyle represents tranquillity, privacy, and simplicity. In an era when social media is urging people to divulge as much as possible and rewarding dramatic, ostentatious behaviour, low-key people are at an advantage because they are distant from all the noise and happily living life on their own terms. At the outset, low-key persons might seem to have a dull and unexciting existence, but such people are actually more content than those who are constantly surrounded by the drama, opinion, and interference of others.


The following list highlights the tremendous benefits of being a low-key person.

You avoid being gossiped about

Nobody likes to be the subject of gossip. Low-key persons prevent themselves from being discussed simply by keeping their matters and activities to themselves. Additionally, by not being dramatic, emotional, and open, they tend to appear uninteresting to others and are thus largely safeguarded from gossip and scrutiny.

You are safer than other people

Low-key people do not normally exhibit their possessions boldly. They are also often cautious of announcing their current activities and whereabouts. Due to these reasons, they might be safer than people who do. If people are unaware of where you are and what you own, they cannot access you or your items easily.

People can’t spoil what they don’t know

The more people you tell about your plans, the more opinions and suggestions you will get, and not all of them will be well-intentioned, beneficial, or positive. People might also get envious and try to sabotage your plans.

Low-key people don’t talk about most things going on in their life, let alone the good things. They only discuss their achievements, goals, and aspirations with a few trusted people.

You avoid confrontation and arguments

Low-key persons prefer to keep their opinions to themselves or reveal them subtly in a non-confrontational manner. They do not get hyper about their beliefs. You will rarely see them in heated debates with others.

They don’t care to change the opinions of others and are often content to keep their thoughts to themselves.

You can focus on more productive activities

People who keep a low profile don’t waste time and energy in displaying their lives to others and are therefore able to focus on more productive activities. A great deal of energy goes into obtaining validation from others which low-key people can’t be bothered with. It goes without saying that low-key people are either not very active on social media or are discreet in its use.

You have a better chance of achieving your goals

Studies have shown that telling others about our goals is counter-productive because it reduces motivation. Francis Shaw, in his article ‘The Dangers of Telling People our Plans’, writes, “Telling people our plans releases dopamine, which can trick the brain into feeling good about our progress on a project, which we actually haven’t started yet. This can then disincentivize us to continue, as we already got a good feeling and don’t want to do the hard work.”

You are not dependent on other people

Low-key people do not require the constant validation of people in order to feel good about themselves. They are quite content with little to no attention from others. Additionally, the absence of people does not throw them into despair. As a matter of fact, they often thrive on their own.

Your secrets are safer

Low-key persons are very cautious about who they share their private things with. Hence their secrets are safer than those who are very public and open.

Your relationships may be better

The more people know about a relationship, the more unsolicited input they will provide, which sometimes results in disharmony between the pair. Low-key persons are naturally private about their relationships. They do not openly display or flaunt their matters on social media or to anyone who cares to lend an ear. Thus their relationship(s) remains safe from external scrutiny and interference.

You save money

Low-key people like to keep things simple. They may indulge in pricey buys from time to time but generally don’t throw their money away on unnecessary expenditures in order to be ostentatious. As I mentioned before, they do not crave the validation of people, hence their purchases are for themselves and not for the appreciation of others.
