Amna Riaz

Let’s see what are the likes and dislikes of this talented artist who is also Spotify’s singer of the month. Read on…

By Gul Nasreen
October 01, 2024

you & me

Amna Riaz is an indie pop singer-songwriter from Islamabad. Her songs are a distinctive fusion of pop and indie pop with appealing melodies, meaningful lyrics, and a unique vocal delivery.


“Technically, I have been singing and playing the guitar on and off since I was 14. But I was only able to share it with other people and released my first song in 2020,” elucidates Amna. For Amna, music has just been a way of expression and escape for her. “Listening to so many incredible artists and resonating with them made me want to start writing on my own,” she expresses. Her songs are characterised by their catchy melodies and dynamic arrangements, which combine electronic and acoustic instrumentation to produce a sound that is both modern and classic. Some of her known songs include ‘Duur Se’, ‘Bachpan’, ‘Hold On’, ‘Ghaayab’, ‘Asmaan Aur Main’, ‘Dabbay’, ‘Her’, ‘Do Hazaar Bees’, and ‘Upside Down’. Her song ‘Duur Se’ is a lovely combination of pop and indie pop whereas ‘Bachpan’ has a nostalgic vibe. These days Amna is busy working on releasing her new singles. Let’s see what are the likes and dislikes of this talented artist who is also Spotify’s singer of the month. Read on…

What is your specialised field of singing?

Indie. Actually, I haven’t completely categorised myself.

What is your most memorable concert to date?

Coldplay’s concert.

How does it feel to be the Ambassador of the Month for EQUAL Pakistan?

It’s an amazing feeling! When I was making songs just sitting in my bedroom a few years ago, I never imagined getting recognition on such a huge platform.

How important do you think such initiatives are for women artists of our country?

I think Spotify’s programme, EQUAL Pakistan, is a brilliant initiative. For an industry that’s already male-dominated, it gives a push to female musicians to come forward as well.

Tell us about your song that is being featured on the EQUAL Pakistan playlist.

‘Samandar’. I completed writing this song sitting next to an actual samandar. I had recently lost someone and wrote this song to express the feeling of hopelessness. Wanting to take a break and get away from everything for a while.

Top 3 songs in your playlist these days?

‘No One Noticed’ by The Marias, ‘Sailor Song’ by Gigi Perez, ‘Jo Tum Mere Ho’ by Anuv Jain.

Your favourite international music celebrity?

Chris Martin.

Who is your icon in the music industry?

Gracie Abrams. I have been following her journey since she had 5K followers.

What was the role of music in your early years of life?

I’m not from a family who’s very fond of music. When I was little, there wasn’t much music surrounding me. However, I think growing up I started to build an interest in exploring genres and listening to music constantly on my own. It got me through so much and I started appreciating the power of music - it just stuck with me since then.

Who was your favourite pop star when you were in your teens?

I think Coldplay remains a constant till date.

What was the first instrument that you learned to play?

An acoustic guitar.

Your most irritating habit?

I’m a perfectionist and so that inevitably makes me an over-thinker. This puts me behind in a lot of things and I hate that (working on it though).

You don’t like people who are…

Constantly negative about everything.

You are afraid of…

Not trying hard enough.

Your most valuable possession?

If we’re talking materialistic then probably my phone. I’m attached to a lot of other things as well like my guitar and my camera collection but it’s hard to pick one.

Your all-time favourite movie?

‘Hachi’. No other movie has made me cry as much.

Are you a shopaholic?

Honestly, no. But I do have phases where I go into online shopping sprees.

What bores you the most?

Politics. Have absolutely no interest in it (sorry uncles).

You are crazy about…

Concerts. I have a huge bucket list and I just always want to travel and attend concerts.

How do you like to spend your Sundays?

Since I work during the week, I use up the weekend to work on my music and do my chores like groceries and cleaning. I call this my reset time; it gives me some sanity.

What is your favourite tune nowadays?

‘The Spins’ by Mac Miller & Empire of the Sun.

If you could have a musician tag along with you on a tour, whom would you choose?

Gracie Abrams.

Your favourite hangout?

I love a chill day. Go on a drive/walk and grab chai.

If you had access to a time machine, which era would you revisit?

Early 2000s - I would love to relive my childhood and remember that feeling.

Who do you see as your main competitor?

No-one. I am the most non-competitive person you’ll ever meet.

Do you agree that it is important to learn and understand old music and its history?

I personally don’t have a lot of knowledge about the history of music. However, I do think it’s nice to explore how music has progressed, its genres, and the legends in the industry. It broadens your perspectives as well.

Song that always gets you on the dance floor?

‘Gallan Goodiyaan’.

What’s the last thing you bought?

Some snacks - chips and apple juice.

What books are on your bedside table?

I’m not a reader. The only book on that table is my journal.

First thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Use my phone unfortunately.

When you are not working, you are usually…

Hanging out with friends.

The most important relationship lesson you have learnt so far?

Communication is key in every single relationship. That includes building boundaries and saying no/having difficult conversations. I’m still working on this but I think I’ve definitely learnt its importance.

You get super uncomfortable when…

People ask me to sing at random occasions. I feel really awkward.

The biggest misconception about you is…

I’m a serious person.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Ideally putting myself out there, making more music, and having found my footing in life. I’m currently still struggling to find a balance between my responsibilities and my dreams so hopefully that’s figured out by then.

Something very few people know about you…

I play table tennis fairly well.

What’s your ultimate desire?

To be able to achieve my dreams and get through life without hurting anyone.
