Socioeconomic solution

By News Desk
September 28, 2024

This letter refers to the article ‘The Katcha’s criminal nexus’ (September 19, 2024) by Irfan Ali Samo. I believe that the most important problem is the Katcha region's socioeconomic neglect. Decades of underdevelopment have driven many people into crime as a means of survival. Rather than relying simply on police operations, we need long-term plans that focus on economic growth, job creation, and education.


The involvement of influential locals, who frequently collaborate with criminal groups, compounds the situation. This necessitates land reforms and allows local people to take charge of their own security and development. Community-based policing, which involves interacting with local populations, would also help increase trust and improve law enforcement efforts. In short, while enforcement is critical, long-term peace in the Katcha necessitates socioeconomic reforms.

Moin Ahmed Awan

