Those who matter assure continuity

There is no chance of rapprochement between the PTI and military establishment

By Ansar Abbasi
September 27, 2024
Media personnel gather outside the parliament building during a joint session in Islamabad on February 28, 2019. — AFP

ISLAMABAD: Those who matter are confident that the present system will continue and complete its term without any hindrances.


Rest assured the government will complete its term and no one will be allowed to cause political instability, said a source, adding that for the economic revival of the country, there is no option but to support the system and ensure continuity.

The source said that the change, which was awaited, has already come and you will see improvements in all areas, including economy.

The source said that there is nothing to worry about what is happening around. According to the source, those who matter are confident that things will move positively for Pakistan and no one will be allowed to spoil the efforts for economic security of the country.

In view of what the source has confided to The News, there is no chance of rapprochement between the PTI and military establishment. The confidence of those who matter actually dismisses the PTI’s view that Shehbaz Sharif-led present government may not survive after the arrival of new Chief Justice of Pakistan. It also dispels the impression of any rift between the Shehbaz government and military establishment.

Interestingly, the National Security Policy, formulated during Imran Khan’s government, envisages economic security as one of the basic fundamentals of Pakistan’s national security. The policy vowed to achieve economic security and sovereignty through sustainable growth, inclusive development and financial solvency.

The policy resolved to address three critical economic challenges linked to national security -- external imbalance, socio-economic inequalities and geographic disparities between developed and under-developed regions of Pakistan. The policy’s objectives include channelising Pakistan’s geo-economically pivotal location for trade, investment and connectivity, moving towards a market-based energy sector and prioritising indigenous energy resource development while securing dependable international access to energy sources and ensuring access to affordable quality education and ushering in an era of technological innovation to produce globally competitive human resource.

In order to protect the country’s economic security, revival of the country’s economy has been the focus of the military establishment both during Imran Khan’s tenure and in the present setup. The military establishment has been helping the civilian government to secure loans from friendly countries besides offering its complete assistance to improve the financial condition of the country.
