What the young see

By News Desk
September 27, 2024

In an environment where opportunities are scarce and the state appears indifferent to their plight, the youth are left disillusioned. The weakening of democratic norms and the failure of the justice system to hold those in power accountable have left a generation with a grim outlook on their future. The message they are receiving is that whoever holds power can act with impunity. This state of affairs could have devastating consequences for Pakistan's future. If the youth believe that there is no justice, no rule of law, and no hope for democratic accountability, it risks fostering a generation driven by frustration and anger.


The volatility of young minds cannot be underestimated, and the continued erosion of their faith in the system could push them towards violent expressions of their discontent. It is imperative that those in power reassess their actions and the precedents they are setting. The current trajectory of political repression, institutional imbalance, and disregard for democratic principles is not only harming the present but also threatening the future stability of Pakistan.

Jahan Zaib Brohi

