The city of doom

New York City – once a dream. The City that Never Slept, famous for its iconic skyline and extravagant landmarks....

By Maham Iqbal
September 27, 2024


New York City – once a dream. The City that Never Slept, famous for its iconic skyline and extravagant landmarks. It was even called a City of Dreams. That’s what Anne told Vivi as they shifted in their seats of the flying jet. Vivi stared at her, taken aback, as the sight of an abandoned city filled her view. ‘This was New York City?’ she wondered. Skylines? It was a dark, wretched blue sky. Landmarks? Trees and vines engulfed large broken pieces of concrete. Dream? This was a nightmare.


She scoffed at her friend. Anne was a nerd – a history nerd, to be precise. The idea of old cities and the people who lived in them excited her. So, she had decided to explore the infamous city of New York to write for her history project titled ‘The biggest tragedies in history caused by mankind.’ Anne believed history should never be forgotten but preserved, and since it was the year 2150, a hundred years after the Big Apple Disaster, she wanted to write about it to ensure people were aware of its heartbreaking misfortune. Her friend, on the other hand, was not as enthusiastic.

“Why did you even have to choose this topic?” she complained. “The New York tragedy was a result of dumb people making dumb mistakes. No one asked them to build such huge skyscrapers and let their city drown in water,” she went on.

“But isn’t it amazing to you that history repeats itself so much, yet people never learn? The Lost City of Atlantis was literally a warning,” Anne replied.

“What is the City of Atlantis?” her friend asked, staring at Anne, who shot her a look of utter disbelief and decided it was best not to continue the conversation. A few seconds later, the machine came to a sudden halt.

The Statue of Liberty… tears welled up in Anne’s eyes. Such a magnificent and significant piece of history, now all forgotten. Millions of people used to come from all over the world to catch a glimpse of it, and now it was submerged under water, with only the crown and part of its face still visible. This is life. All luxuries today will soon become insignificant pieces of rock, slowly perishing until they are no more.
