A rising concern of today

By Maryam Muqaddis
September 23, 2024
This photo shows steam escaping from a power plant into the atmosphere, which is dangerous for life in the environment seen in this image. — AFP/File

Climate change is a pressing global issue that extends far beyond environmental concerns, posing a significant threat to international security.


As temperatures rise, the world faces a myriad of security risks that jeopardise global stability. The exacerbation of existing social, political, and economic tensions by climate change is leading to increased conflict and instability, displacing communities, creating refugees, and fuelling social unrest through droughts, famines and natural disasters.

These effects are not confined to any one region but are felt worldwide, highlighting the interconnected nature of modern security challenges. One of the most immediate security threats posed by climate change is the alteration of global resource availability. As climate patterns shift, access to essential resources such as water, food, and energy becomes increasingly uncertain. Scarcity of these vital resources often leads to competition, both within nations and between them, driving tensions that can escalate into conflict. For example, reduced water availability in regions dependent on agriculture can lead to food shortages, which in turn may incite unrest or migration as people seek more stable conditions elsewhere.

Rising temperatures and changing weather patterns are conducive to the spread of diseases, which can exacerbate existing health crises. This strain on global health infrastructure not only affects public health but also has broader implications for economic and social stability. The ability of a nation to respond to a health crisis is often tied to its overall resilience, which is increasingly being tested by the compounding effects of climate change. Climate-related disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, are becoming more frequent and severe, devastating economies and disrupting global supply chains. The economic security of nations is increasingly at risk as these disasters destroy infrastructure, reduce productivity, and create long-term economic instability. The ripple effects of these disasters are felt globally, illustrating the interconnectedness of modern economies and the global impact of localised environmental events. In light of these security risks, it is imperative to integrate climate change into international security strategies. This integration involves fostering cooperation and collective action among nations, international organisations, and civil society to address the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change. Building resilient infrastructure and communities that can withstand the impacts of climate change is crucial. This includes promoting sustainable resource use and management practices, which can help mitigate some of the competition and conflict over resources. Encouraging international cooperation and diplomacy is vital in addressing climate-related security risks.

Nations must work together to share information, resources, and strategies to better prepare for and respond to the impacts of climate change. Investing in climate-resilient infrastructure and critical infrastructure protection is essential to maintaining national security in the face of environmental challenges. Additionally, integrating climate data and analysis into national security decision-making processes will enable governments to better anticipate and respond to emerging threats. The intricate links between climate change and international security demand proactive measures. By acknowledging the far-reaching consequences of climate change, we can work towards building a more resilient and sustainable world. This requires a concerted effort from all sectors of society to prioritise climate action and integrate it into security strategies. Only through collective action can we mitigate the security risks posed by climate change and ensure a stable and prosperous future.
