Punjab Govt intensifies anti-dengue measures in Rawalpindi

By Khaid Iqbal
September 22, 2024
Government personnel are spraying mosquitoes in the town of Rawalpindi to prevent dengue and some small children are nearby. — APP/File

Rawalpindi : On special instructions from Punjab chief minister, Special Secretary for Housing and Urban Development, Tayyab Farid, visited Water and Sanitation Agency (Wasa) Rawalpindi on Saturday to review ongoing anti-dengue measures. He emphasized that preventing dengue and safeguarding human lives is a top priority for the Punjab government, which is utilizing all available resources to combat the epidemic.


During an anti-dengue meeting, Special Secretary Tayyab Farid highlighted the critical role Wasa plays in controlling the spread of dengue, as the disease's larvae thrive in clean water. “Wasa’s system must be made leak-proof to prevent water accumulation, and all standing water must be drained promptly," he said. He also directed that daily cleaning be enforced at all tube wells, filtration plants, offices, and other Wasa installations to eliminate potential breeding grounds for dengue larvae.

Farid stressed the importance of strict adherence to the health department’s guidelines and coordination with the district administration, warning that negligence in preventive efforts would not be tolerated. "The Punjab government has issued clear instructions that dengue can only be tackled through timely and proactive measures," he added.

Managing Director of Wasa, Muhammad Salim Ashraf, and other senior Wasa officials were present during the visit. MD Ashraf briefed the Special Secretary, informing him that Wasa has identified 523 dengue hotspots in the city. These areas are monitored daily by eight dedicated teams equipped with Android phones, allowing them to upload real-time data on a dashboard for the Special Branch to assess. Over 200 complaints have already been addressed by Wasa this season.

MD Ashraf also shared that special de-watering sets and scrub machines have been deployed in high-risk areas in collaboration with the Health Department. “We ensure daily maintenance of tube wells, mini-filtration plants, valve chambers, overhead tanks, ground storage tanks, and complaint offices to prevent the creation of dengue breeding sites,” he explained.

As part of its public awareness efforts, Wasa has displayed dengue prevention banners on all its water tankers, jetting, and scrubber machines. Additionally, dengue awareness messages are printed on Wasa bills to educate the public on preventive measures.

Special Secretary Tayyab Farid, along with MD Wasa Muhammad Salim Ashraf, toured various Wasa facilities across the city, inspecting anti-dengue measures first-hand. He commended Wasa Rawalpindi for its efforts and urged them to continue their work with full dedication to eliminate dengue from all areas.

Farid also visited the Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) and directed them to operate around the clock to control the spread of dengue in the city.
