Awareness heals

By News Desk
September 22, 2024

While mental health awareness is slowly increasing, the harsh reality is that the stigma around the problem keeps people trapped in silence. Those struggling often face an unbearable choice – suffer alone or risk judgment. These tragic, preventable deaths show us that the walls of shame in society must come down. We must no longer allow silence and stigma to strangle the life out of conversations about mental health. Now is the moment to make mental health care accessible and normalize seeking help, so that no one feels they have to face their struggles alone.


This means making mental health education a priority in schools, offering affordable therapy options, and ensuring that media responsibly reports on suicide to avoid sensationalism. We urge the government and civil society to act now. Establish national help lines, train educators, and launch public campaigns aimed at breaking the stigma around mental illness. When we unite in empathy and action, we can change the course of countless lives.

Muhammad Shahjahan Memon

