Wife [across the table]: This relationship would have gone differently if you had corn on the cob on our first date....

By US Desk
September 20, 2024

* John Collins (HolyDalek): “Knock, knock.“

“Who’s there?”


“The doorbell repair man.”

* Bob Phillips (BobTheSuit): My idiot life in three easy steps:

1. Order extra ranch

2. Forget to use it

3. Spread it around on plate so waitress doesn’t get mad at me

* Rodney Lacroix (RodLacroix): Me: [eating corn on the cob]

Wife [across the table]: This relationship would have gone differently if you had corn on the cob on our first date.

* Hollie Harris (allholls): *looks at recipe prep time*: 10 minutes

*two hours later*


* Kip Conlon (kipconlon): If reports from this daisy are accurate, she loves me not.

Laugh lines


Jack had been a compulsive worrier for years, to the point it was ruining his life. He saw a psychologist who recommended a specialist who could help him. His friend, Bob, noticed a dramatic change and asked “What happened? Nothing seems to worry you anymore.”

“I hired a professional worrier and I haven’t had a worry since,“ replied Jack.

“That must be expensive,“ Bob said.

“He charges $5,000 a month,“ Jack told him.

“$5,000!!? How in the world can you afford to pay him?” exclaimed Bob.

“I don’t know,” said Jack, “that’s his problem.”


“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
