US Mail

I read the issue of September 6 with avid interest and loved the cover story, Celebrating the Spirit of Patriotism....

By US Desk
September 20, 2024


Dear Editor,


I read the issue of September 6 with avid interest and loved the cover story, Celebrating the Spirit of Patriotism. Recently, I have noticed a sense of despondency among my students. They don’t seem to love their country and often seek opportunities abroad. Many of my brilliant students are now working in the US or the Middle East, which, while beneficial for us due to the much-needed remittances, raises my concern that they have lost faith in their own country.

As a youth magazine, I believe it is your duty to publish articles about our national heroes from all walks of life to inspire young people. Our youth have talent and passion; it only needs to be nurtured. Please consider running a story on the achievements of young Pakistanis and fostering patriotism among them.

Mrs Khan, Karachi

Hello Editor,

I truly enjoy the Poets’ Corner and am pleased to see that the quality of poems published in Us remains very high. I would also like to commend the poems of Amna Ameer. In the September 6 edition, her poem Incomplete was both beautiful and poignant. Additionally, I found Acquiring new skills and staying ahead by Nazish Sabir to be a valuable read. While the article did not introduce new concepts, it served as an effective refresher. Sometimes, reiterating familiar ideas helps us understand them more deeply.

Arsalan Iqbal Khan, Karachi

Exorbitant tuition fees in private medical colleges

Private medical colleges have significantly increased MBBS fees over the past three years, with average annual fees ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 million. The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) appears to show little interest in addressing this unjust hike. Moreover, these colleges openly demand substantial donations, seemingly without concern for regulatory oversight, leading to undue pressure on parents to pay excessive amounts.

Given this situation, a significant reduction in private medical college fees is essential to improve the cost-benefit ratio. It is strongly recommended that the PMDC oversee the admission process in private medical colleges to ensure transparency and fairness.

Dr. Javed Iqbal, Islamabad


Lubna Khalid


Sameen Amer

Us Magazine, 5th Floor, Al Rahman Building, I.I.Chundrr Road, Karachi, Pakistan.

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Word count for one page is 550-650; for two pages, 1000-1100; for three pages, 1500-1800
