Private schools nationwide condemn proposed sales tax, threaten protests

By Our Correspondent
September 16, 2024
All Pakistan Private Schools and Colleges Association (APPSCA) Central President Dr. Malik Abrar Hussain (Left) seen in this image released on March 27, 2024. — Facebook/malikabrar.hussain.3

Islamabad : Private educational institutions across the country have strongly opposed the government’s proposed imposition of a Point of Sales Tax on private schools charging a monthly fee of over one thousand rupees. The schools have threatened nationwide protests if the tax is implemented, says a press release.


Dr. Malik Abrar Hussain, the Central President of the All Pakistan Private Schools and Colleges Association, warned the government that such a tax would make education prohibitively expensive and out of reach for the common man. He explained that a 25% tax would cause a significant fee hike, meaning that a school currently charging 4,000 rupees would need to charge 5,000 rupees, with parents bearing the additional cost. “This initiative contradicts the government’s slogan of ‘Education for All’ and undermines the efforts to address the educational emergency,” he stated.

During a meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the All Pakistan Private Schools and Colleges Association, chaired by Dr. Malik Abrar Hussain, members unanimously decided to oppose any form of taxation on education. The meeting, held at the association’s central office, also addressed concerns regarding the recent FSC results from the Federal Board of Islamabad. The association plans to escalate these concerns to the higher authorities and devise a strategy to resolve the issue.

Additionally, the committee discussed the status of educational institutions located in Islamabad’s sectoral areas, particularly in light of the high court’s decision on non-conforming use. The association committed to deciding an action plan in coordination with the Capital Development Authority (CDA) once the court’s ruling is finalized. The association reaffirmed its commitment to playing a leading role in addressing the challenges facing private educational institutions across the country and promoting public-private partnerships in education.

Key figures at the meeting included Secretary General Muhammad Ashraf Haraj, Javed Iqbal Raja, Irfan Muzaffar Kiani, Malik Hafeezur Rahman, Sardar Gul Zubair Khan, Haji Abdul Rahim, Muhammad Ibrahim, Qasim Abbas, Antakah Hussain, Chaudhry Iftikhar Ahmed, Tariq Mehmood Rizvi, Syed Abid Shah, and Madam Sadia. They all voiced their support for resisting the proposed tax and advocating for the needs of students and institutions alike.
