Study smart – not hard

Here are some smart and effective tips for studying....

By Naima Iftikhar
August 23, 2024


We all know that hard work always pays off. One must study hard to ace exams. However, hard work alone is not enough; it's also important to use smart strategies to help you retain what you study. Here are some smart and effective tips for studying.


Reading is the key

Read your books! It might sound simple, but it’s crucial. Sometimes lectures don’t cover everything, but books do. Reading provides a comprehensive understanding of the topics. For example, my 9th-grade chemistry teacher always insisted that we read our books after lectures to reinforce our understanding. My English teacher also advised reading the entire book to prepare for exams. These practices still benefit me today.

Pay attention in class and make notes

Lectures provide firsthand information, which is why attending class is essential to ensure you grasp all the necessary details for your studies. Missing classes means missing out on vital content, even the minute details that you might not find elsewhere. Paying attention during lectures is also important because reading afterward helps reinforce and retain the knowledge.

Another valuable tool is making your own notes. After attending lectures and reading your books, create notes based on your understanding. Writing in your own words not only clarifies the material but also helps you memorize it better. Additionally, it improves your writing speed over time.

Breaks rejuvenate

It’s important to take breaks while studying. Many students believe they should study for hours without stopping, but this can lead to mental fatigue and overload. Our brains need rest to function at their best. If you find it hard to concentrate after a while, take a break to recharge. Have a snack or engage in some physical activity to refresh your mind and return to your studies with renewed energy.

Practice makes perfect

As clichéd as it may sound, practice truly does make perfect. This tried-and-tested approach not only prepares you for exams with less stress but also enhances your retention and recall. By repeatedly practicing, you engage both your mind and hand, which reinforces learning and improves your writing speed. Whether it's algebra, numerical problems, or long essay questions, the process of reading, understanding, and then repeatedly writing helps embed even the most challenging concepts in your memory. Additionally, consistent practice builds confidence, making even the toughest subjects easier to master.

Change of subject

One often overlooked but effective study strategy is to switch subjects when you start feeling fatigued or bored. This mental break from a challenging topic allows your mind to refresh, and when you return to it later, you'll find it easier to grasp and master the material. By rotating between subjects, you can maintain your focus and motivation, making your study sessions more productive and less monotonous.

Understand basic concepts

To study effectively, it's essential to grasp the topics and develop clear concepts of whatever you're learning. Without a solid understanding, no amount of hard work or rote memorization will be truly effective. Understanding the underlying principles is what allows you to apply knowledge in different contexts, making learning meaningful and long-lasting.

Memorize with all your senses

Engaging multiple senses can enhance memory retention and comprehension. As humans, we're equipped with five senses that can be powerful tools in learning and memorization. To make your study sessions more effective, engage as many of these senses as possible. When you listen to a lecture, focus on what you hear, watch any visual aids closely, and take notes on what you understand. This multi-sensory approach—listening, watching, and writing—creates stronger memory connections. Later, when you're trying to recall information during exams, these sensory cues can help trigger your memory, making it easier to retrieve the information you studied.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help

If you’re struggling to understand something or facing difficulties with projects, studies, or assignments, don’t hesitate to ask for help. It’s important to recognize that seeking assistance is a crucial part of the learning process. You can turn to teachers, classmates, seniors, or even use the internet to find resources, including specific lectures or tutorials on the topics you need to grasp. Remember, asking for help when needed not only clarifies your doubts but also deepens your understanding of the subject.

Set your study schedule

Establishing a consistent study schedule is essential, whether or not exams are approaching. A daily organized routine helps you set clear priorities and manage your time effectively. You likely have other tasks and responsibilities throughout the day, so planning your study sessions ensures that you allocate sufficient time for each subject while balancing other activities. A well-structured schedule not only makes studying more manageable but also provides a clear roadmap for your day, helping you stay focused and productive.

These tips are drawn from my personal experiences and may not suit everyone, but I hope you find them helpful. Remember, everyone has their own unique approach to studying, so feel free to adapt these strategies to fit your own needs. My sincere wish is that these suggestions will inspire you to find what works best for you and help you succeed in your studies.
