No change in stance on May 9 mayhem, nor will there be: Army

“Pakistan Army’s stance on May 09 May violent acts remains unchanged and it is the same as was given at May 07 press conference,” Chaudhry

By Muhammad Anis
August 06, 2024
DG ISPR Lt Gen Ahmad Sharif Chaudhry is briefing the media at the GHQ in Rawalpindi on August 5, 2024. — Screengrab/YouTube/GeoNews

RAWALPINDI: Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director General Lt Gen Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry on Monday rejected reports of talks with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leadership maintaining that there was no change in stance of the Pakistan Army on May 09, 2023, violent protests.


“Pakistan Army’s stance on May 09 May violent acts remains unchanged and it is the same as was given at May 07 press conference,” Chaudhry, while responding to a question at a presser, said.

He also categorically stated there was no change in stance of Pakistan on May 09 acts nor there will be any. “The view of Pakistan Army on May 9 incidents was given at May 07, 2024, press conference. There is no change in the stance nor there will be any,” he reiterated.

The military spokesman was asked whether stance of Army leader on May 09 acts has been softened and changed. The questioner also mentioned that some anchors are giving an impression that some non-political personalities were contacting the PTI leadership for talks whereas the military leadership had made it clear that there would be no talks with perpetrators of May 09 violence and they should apologise to the nation.

The ISPR DG at May 07 press conference had stated that there would be not deal or talks with perpetrators of May 09 violence maintaining that such elements were left with only one option of apologising to the nation for their crimes.

He also stated that all political leadership and forces were respectable for armed forces when a political group and political leaders attack their own armed forces, create gulf and hatred between people and armed forces, and indignify martyrs of this Army of the nation then no talks are possible with them.

He said that such elements were left with only one option that they should apologise to the nation with sincere heart and make a pledge to give up politics of hatred and practice constructive politics.

He had also stated that after May 09, a fake narrative was built that Pakistan Army itself was behind all what happened on May 09. “You can fool all people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time,” he said.

In the Monday presser, replying to another question about recent court martial of a retired Pakistan Army official, the DG ISPR said that Pakistan Army takes digital terrorism, fake propaganda and narrative against it seriously.

“Whosoever regardless of his status whether he is in Pakistan or outside involved in propaganda against the Armed Forces of Pakistan and fake narrative and create mistrust and gulf between armed forces and Pakistan, we will take action according to the law,” he said.

Responding to a question regarding criticism of Pakistan Army for its role in agriculture and other economic issues, Lt Gen Chaudhry said the country was facing many economic challenges and Pakistan Army would never hesitate in taking up the task given to it by the government for Pakistan’s economic security.

He maintained that officers and Jawans of Pakistan Army do not belong to elite class and they come from middle class and they also do not hail from a particular sect, religion and region and they work on merit with Pakistan is their only priority.

“We will not hesitate from doing any task for the country given to us by the government whether from platform of SIFC or otherwise in agriculture, health, education sectors etc for country’s economic security,” he maintained.

Moreover, he said war against terrorism does not confine only to kinetic operations as it also includes whole-of-the-nation approach in education, health and all the economic and social sectors.

He pointed that it was not the Pakistan Army only which was playing the same role rather there are examples in many other countries. “But only difference is that the role of armies in other countries is seen with appreciation while here we resort to criticism for political interest and narrow thinking,” he said.

He said that unfortunately there was a mafia which could not see Pakistan to progress but the same mafia would not question the elite class as to why it did not play its role in promotion of the education sector.

Responding to a question about continued illegal movement and smuggling despite presence of Pakistan Army and one document regime introduced by Pakistan, the DG ISPR said that border management is done mutually by the two neighouring countries, adding that the Pakistan Army had raised over 1,450 posts on border whereas there are only little 200 post constructed by the Afghan authorities.

He pointed out there has progress in preventing illegal movement on border following strict border management measures from Pakistan but it could not be stopped totally due to difficult terrain of border.

At the same time, he informed newsmen not only that the no measures are taken by the Afghan authorities to stop illegal movements but the same is facilitated by them in different ways including by firing.

He regretted that a narrative that security forces facilitate illegal movement on border is given by the elements only to create mistrust between Pakistan Army and people. To a question about propaganda against Pakistan and armed forces from the US and other countries, he said that according to careful statistics, from January till date, as many as 127 articles have been published in foreign media which are meant to spread disappointment and anarchy in Pakistan and promote a particular political agenda.

He said that a lot of lobbying and money is involved in staging protest demonstrations outside Pakistan foreign missions and on foreign tours of government personalities from Pakistan. “This is done through lobbying firms hired for the purpose and a lot of money is also involved,” he said.

He said that coordinated lobbying is done to create a narrative against Pakistan and its armed forces. “I wish such coordinated efforts are done to raise issue of genocide of Palestinians and Kashmir cause,” he said.

He pointed such forums are used in creating narratives against Pakistan which are silent over violation of human rights in Palestine. To a question, the military spokesperson declared Baloch Yekjehti Committee (BYC) and its leadership as proxy of terrorist organisations and criminal mafia. “Baloch Yekjehti Committee and its leadership is proxy of terrorist organisations and criminal mafia and nothing more than that,” he said.

He said the same proxy had been given a task to malign law enforcement agencies which are active against extortions, terrorism and other criminal activities. He said the proxy has also been tasked to make development projects in Balochistan as controversial by creating group (Jattha), misguide innocent people, resort to stone pelting and ransom activities and they act on foreign funding.

With regard to Yaum-e-Istehsal, he said the Armed Forces of Pakistan are standing with the just struggle of the valiant people of Kashmir for their right to self-determination.

He said inhuman lockdown, illegal Indian actions to change the demographic structure of the Occupied Jammu and Kashmir as well as grave human rights violations are an open transgression of international laws and a threat to the regional peace. He said the resolution of the Kashmir dispute in light of the UN resolutions and as per the aspirations of Kashmiris is inevitable for durable peace and stability in the region.

The ISPR chief further said that the Armed Forces of Pakistan present tribute to the supreme sacrifices of martyrs of Kashmir on this day of Youm-e-Istehsal. He said the Government of Pakistan, on a humanitarian basis, reiterates its political and moral support to the just struggle of the people of Kashmir against oppression and illegal occupation.

Giving an overview of actions of the armed forces, the military spokesperson said around 23,622 intelligence-based operations were conducted during the current year, while 2,025 of them were carried out in last 15 days. He said 24 terrorists were sent to hell during these operations in the last 15 days. He said the security forces, along with other law enforcement agencies, conduct over 100 operations on daily basis.

The ISPR DG said the security forces also killed Kharji elements in Mohmand and Dera Ismail Khan districts, adding that 139 valiant officers and officials of the security forces embraced martyrdom during these operations since start of this year.

Talking about the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), he said the government had recently notified the group as “Fitna al-Khawarij”. “From now on, we will use the term Fitna al-Khawarij to refer to the TTP, while all terrorists associated with the group would be termed khariji [outcast],” he said.

He said it was a mischief-making group and it is neither an ideology nor has anything to do with Islam or Pakistan. He said that besides counter-terrorism measures, the armed forces are playing a leading role in the education, health, agriculture and other sectors by establishing public welfare projects in various parts of the country, especially in merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir.
