Call for someone’s murder against Shariah: CII

CII Chairman said that such emotional statements have damaged cause of Khatam-e-Nabuwwat (SAW)

By Our Correspondent
July 30, 2024
A representational image showing the Council of Islamic Ideology sign board outside its building. — State media/File

ISLAMABAD: The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) has said that declaring any person as ‘Wajibul Qatl’ is an illegal act and against Islamic Shariah.


CII Chairman Allama Raghib Hussain Naimi in a statement on Monday said that such emotional actions and statements have damaged cause of Khatam-e-Nabuwwat (SAW). He said that Pakistan is a constitutional and Islamic state, and its legal system has punishments for every crime and same are awarded by courts through a judicial process.

The statement from the CII chairman came after deputy head of Tehreek e Labaik Pakistan (TLP) Pir Zaheer Hassan Shah issued death threats to the Chief Justice of Pakistan. Allama Naimi maintained that neither any individual nor any group has the authority to establish its court and issue a decree of death for any person.

He said that the CII on several occasions had made it clear that inciting violence, issuance of decree to declare any person as non-believer and issuing life threats to any person, state or government personality directly clash with teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

He pointed that certified Ulema and religious scholars belonging to all schools of thought through narrative of ‘Pegham-e-Pakistan’ had declared it was religious duty of all Muftis and religious leaders to create awareness against wrong ideologies about Islamic teachings and give right solution to issues pertaining to Shariah.

The CII chairman said that declaring any person as non-believer’ or that he committed ‘Kufar’ is authority of government, state and court. He stressed that if anybody has any objection regarding verdict of the Supreme Court than he should express reservations with logic as did the CII with arguments.

He also recalled that the CII at its 212nd meeting held on November 27, 2018, had also declared that issuing decrees of ‘Kifar’ and ‘Wajibul Qatal’ do not conform with Islamic teachings.

“In an Islamic state like Pakistan, no person can be allowed to interpret regarding faith and religion of anybody and issue a decree of being ‘Wajibul Qatal’. We need to be very careful and cautious in this matter,” he said.
