FBR raises fee structure for its lawyers

Revised rates stand at 1st case AOR fee Rs300,000 and additional identical case Rs10,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs600,000

By Mehtab Haider
July 28, 2024
Image of the FBR's building in Islamabad. — X/FBRSpokesperson/File

ISLAMABAD: The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has revised and doubled the rates of professional fee structure for panel lawyers (advocates and advocates-on-record) for appearing on its behalf ranging from civil courts to the Supreme Court of Pakistan. For superior courts such as high courts and Supreme Court, the revision in fee structure was more than double.


The official notification of the FBR has been circulated among all Chief Commissioners of Large Taxpayer Offices (LTOs), Medium Taxpayer Offices (MTOs), Corporate Taxpayer Offices (CTOs) and Regional Taxpayer Offices (RTOs) as well as Director General of Intelligence and Investigation Inland Revenue (IR) across the country a few days back but it was issued officially in May 2024. There is a need to determine why such revision in fee structure was done backdated.

According to an official notification, the FBR has been pleased to revise professional fee structure for panel advocates and advocates-on-record. For civil courts, the existing rate of fee structure stands at Rs50,000 for 1st case and for identical each additional case Rs6,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs200,000. Now the revised rates stand at Rs100,000 for 1st case and for identical each additional case Rs10,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs400,000.

For criminal courts, under the existing fee structure, there is nothing mentioned. Under revised rates, there will be fee of Rs100,000 for 1st case and for identical each additional case Rs10,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs400,000.

For Federal Service Tribunal, the existing fee structure stands at Rs50,000 for 1st case and for identical each additional case Rs6,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs200,000. Now it is revised and stands at Rs100,000 for 1st case and for identical each additional case Rs10,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs400,000.

For Appellate Tribunal, Rs60,000 for 1st case and for identical each additional case Rs8,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs260,000. The revised rate will be standing at Rs120,000 for 1st case and for identical each additional case Rs12,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs500,000.

For higher courts, the existing fee structure stands at Rs100,000 for 1st case and for identical each additional case Rs10,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs400,000. The miscellaneous expenses including court fee Rs3,500 for 1st case and for identical each additional case Rs2,500 have been specified.

The revised rates for high courts case stand at Rs300,000 for 1st case and for each identical each additional case Rs30,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs1,000,000.

For miscellaneous expenses including court fee Rs5,000 for 1st case and for identical each additional case Rs3,500 have been specified.

For Supreme Court of Pakistan, the fee structure stood at Rs150,000 for 1st case and for identical each additional case it was Rs15,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs600,000. The revised rates of advocates will be standing at Rs500,000 for 1st case and for identical each additional case Rs50,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs1,200,000.

The Advocates-on-Record (AOR) for Supreme Court of Pakistan, the fee will stand at Rs180,000 and additional identical ease Rs6,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed 216,000. The miscellaneous expenses in 1st case is 8,000 and for identical additional per case Rs5,000.

The revised rates stand at 1st case AOR fee Rs300,000 and additional identical case Rs10,000 but aggregate fee shall not exceed Rs600,000. The Misc. Expenses in first case Rs12,000/- and for identical additional per case Rs9,000

The FBR’s official spokesperson said the stuck-up amount in pending cases stood in trillions of rupees (approximately Rs2.6 trillion) but the FBR could not manage good lawyers due to several constraints. On the other side, the taxpayers hired the best lawyers. That’s why fee structure of panel of advocates was revised upward.
