Hesco CEO orders strict steps against electricity theft

By News Desk
July 25, 2024
A power technician while fixing electric meters in Pakistan. — AFP/File

HYDERABAD: Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (Hesco) Chief Executive Officer Muhammad Roshan Otho convened a meeting with the superintending engineers (SE), executive engineers (Exxon), deputy commercial managers (DCM), and sub-divisional officers (SDO) of all operation circles on Wednesday in the conference hall and via video conference.


The meeting was also attended by Manager (M&T) Javed Ahmed Siddiqui, Manager (Computer) Nadir Ali Khusk, and Manager (Admin) Saif-u-ddin Memon.

CEO Otho issued clear instructions to all officers to ensure user-friendly service by addressing the complaints of electricity consumers with professionalism and courtesy. He emphasized the importance of working under the anti-theft recovery campaign with the assistance of police and recovery magistrates to completely eliminate electricity theft and achieve 100% recovery of dues.

To date, the ongoing anti-theft drive has resulted in the detection of 81,603 illegal connections across the region. Legal actions have been initiated against 72,243 of these connections, with 5,329 FIRs already registered. Consequently, 208 individuals have been arrested for electricity theft, and three Hesco employees have been apprehended for facilitating such theft. Additionally, 45 employees have been suspended, and one employee has been dismissed from service for involvement in electricity theft.

CEO Otho reiterated that Hesco, as a commercial entity, relies on the regular payment of electricity bills by consumers to maintain and improve its services. He urged all employees to work with a spirit of ownership to uphold the reputation and development of Hesco. He called for strict monitoring and better transmission of electricity in their respective areas, while ensuring a cordial and user-friendly approach towards customers. Adherence to safety rules and regulations is paramount.

No electricity thief should be spared, as they undermine the company's efforts and resources. Eliminating electricity theft remains a top priority, and every effort should be made to provide quick and easy electricity connections. Customers are encouraged to contact any sub-division customer service center or complaint center to resolve any issues related to their electricity bills. Duplicate bills can be printed from the Hesco website (www.hesco.gov.pk) to ensure timely payments.

CEO Otho announced the organisation of open Kacheris at the sub-division level, starting from July 15, 2024. These open Kacheris will be held daily from 11am to 1pm to address and resolve all electricity-related problems faced by consumers. Hesco seeks the cooperation of all its consumers in these efforts to ensure the effective functioning of its services.
